Recently Answered Questions on TM(GODDRES)


Tmj disorder and muscle spasm

If there is any serious problem in my Tm joint then what type of symptoms I will observe or experience? How tight masseter muscle can change my jaw position? What are the signs of improving my tmj problem as a result of treatment for tmj? Please help.
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Regarding soft splint

I have TM joint dislocation. I visited a doctor at chennai. They suggested for soft splint for upper and lower jaws. Cost of both splints are 5400. I feel its higher. Could any tell me what would be the cost of it.Are both splints needed for me?? Kindly do the needful.
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Heart problems

TMT show probable ishcamiya so Ido ECG eco CT enjio. lipid all are nomal no sugar.only bp problem I take ecosprin 75 av embeta TM 40/50 .is it heart problems?
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Vaginal bleeding from 15 days

My period come befoe tm and it start and not end 8 days and then i consult docter they treat me but not solve problem now i had light bleeding every day i deliver a clild before seven month with v section
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Morr f5 solution color variations

Morr f5 which I'm using has yellow colour which. Is R. But the earlier purchased one is colourless which is TM. The yellow coloured solution is creating more hair both r same? Or the yellow colour is an duplicate one?
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6MM calculus

Dear Doc. I have been diagnosed with 6mm calculus impacted in right lower ureter with also right tiny calculus. My doctor has prescribed me with Defcort TM, flavoride plus and Lupilyzer 200ML syrup. Need a second advice for the same. Thanks
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Skin allergy on my hand

I have had this allergy on my hand for quite sometime now. Tried some medication (sebifin tm plus cream) after consulting a doctor. But it still remains. It keeps itching every now and then. Sometimes it is fine sometimes it starts itching on the same spot. And this has been at this spotonly on my right hand. Kindly assist. Thanks
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Jaw disorder

I am a being treated for tmj disorder. I think I am getting back my original bite slowly but my facial structure and symmetry are not coming back to original(before having tmj disorder). Is there any possibility where my tm joint can move backward than normal (before tmj disorder problem)? Please tell me how can I regain my original facial shape and symmetry?
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Plz help me out

I had a oral n got fingering from my bf before month yesterday I had fever n losemotion can this b the symptoms of pregnency I m vry tens plz help me out n my period date is 28 Feb I tm takeing primolut n form 2 days bcz I have function plz help me our
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Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are not visible from outside. I have pain in TM joint. And in ears. No pain in mouth. The pain is so unbearable that I can't concentrate on my works. Please help me. I have pain since 2015. Now its increased and doesn't relieve with any pain killer and Nsaids. Thanks in advance.
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