Recently Answered Questions on TM(GODDRES)


Wisdom teeth

I have pain in TM joint. And in ears because of these wisdom teeth. It was subsided by ultrasound therapy. And now its continuous and its not relieves with any pain killer. Because of this pain I cant concentrate on my works. There is no any pain in mouth or at wisdom teeth region. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
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Still hairfall beside using hair tonics.

I had hair fall from past 5 year, so I met a dermatologist for solution on January 2017. She gave me tonics like TM-5 solution, trigain 60ml solution and tricosilk F 60ml solution. I followed the instructions give by my doctor. This were effective for past 5 months, but I started to see more hair fall from last one month. So what should I do?
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Hello doctor, My wife is diagnosed with Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria ,and doctor said , only curative treatment for this disease in allopathy is allogenic stem cell transplant. can you please tell me is that any treatment/medicine available in homeopathy for this ? Symptoms : hemoglobin is passed through urin (reddish/dark yellow) morning tm
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Tmj disorder

I have many symptoms of tmj disorder including neck pain and upper back pain. Now I am seeing my condition to a dentist. He said to me to do the x-ray of my Tm joint. Am I doing right if not what should I do now? My x-ray copy is as follows :
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Feel giddy and confusion

- Feel giddy and confusion when i change positions like standing after sitting for a long time or turning behind while walking. At the same time i feel a blockage in my left ear and left part of head - Also feel giddy and confusion before bowel movements like am losing balance. My stomach is also always bloated - I have TM arthritis in my left ear but am not sure if that is the reason for above problems.
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Retrograde ejaculation

I was getting treatment for uti,and my urologist prescribed me tamsulosin drug(defcort tm 0.4 mg once a day),after taking drug for 2 days I found that no sperm is coming out after masturbation,so I stop that drug, after taking it for 5 days because on net I read it is because of that drug ,and In urm there is no sign of infection,but now i am not able to ejaculating even after 5 days of stopping that drug Please tell me how can this problem be cured
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Kidney stone

I have been diagnosed with kidney stone in left. Yesterday i was in pain so i approached a local doctor. She gave me injection thrice with quantity of 2ml 1.5ml and 1.2ml, i dont know ne of that drug. There was no relief so she gave me urispa and 'defcort tm' in prescription letter. And told me to drink alot of water, i did the same.Later that night i took urispa and 'defcort tm'. Then i couldn't sleep all night and since morning i am feeling like low circulation of blood in arms and my knees are also feeling little heavier. Is it because of 'defcort tm'?should it be taken? because i checked about it on google and it says it has side effects like sleepiness, Chills, Sore throat, Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, Allergic reactions e.g. rash, A feeling of weakness, Painful erection of the penis, Difficulty in getting or maintaining an erection or in ejaculating,and increases blood sugar What should i do?
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Gastric acidity

Suffering from gastric problem from long time.Heart burnt , tongue become sour. Tingling in hands and limbs. Shortness of breath. Vitamin D,=25 Vitamin B12=234 Taking Neurofix Tm and ppi. Kindly suggest for better treatment plan
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Chest pain

I have mild chest pain towards upper part of chest which can be located and left arm pain sometimes with acid reflux and gas , ecg , echo holter , tm , CT CAG done on july 2021 all reports normal does the test needs to be repeated again
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Effective brushing technique

My orthodontist told me to brush my teeth 3 times a day and during eating i should keep tm away the elastic from my teeth. Now I want to know.... What are the exact time of brushing and should i keep away the elastic from my teeth everytime when I eat something? Also which one is more effective brushing between before eating and after eating? Please help me with exact timing of brushing.
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