Recently Answered Questions on TM(GODDRES)


Not taking right hand up

My daughter is 19 months old... She fall down from dining table & gt an inner injury on her right hand... I think in betwn elbow to shoulder.. She is nt taking her hand up after some point, she gts pain if we tried to take it up.. We had xray also.. No facture ws there...den whats d prblm & hw much tm wl it take to cure... I m worried for her as she is just mnths old
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I have adenomyosis problem. Gynecologist has given me iron syrup, vitagreat tablet, and tablet sofia TM for heavy bleeding. But i had periods on 27th february '21 but again peiods started on 17th march now. Before that i have 4-5days only brown discharge. This time having lots of pain in lower abdomen, waist, legs. Kindly give me suggestion to come out this problem. I have a baby boy of 3 years. Thanks in advance Monalisa Bhubaneswar, odisha
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Ear Problem told by some specialist

Ear ProblemMale, 30These problems in Ear 1. COM(R) Squamous Inactive, 2. TM sitting on stapes head, 3. Incus not seen, 4. Scutum eroded. what should i do for above these problems i am doing prepration for Border road organization and how can i fit from above these problems either medicine, yoga and surgery ..During test my both Tympanic Membrane intact and tympanometry test is normal with Audiometry. Sir please give some suggestions ???
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Excessive generation of wax in left ear

Old case of treated scalp psoriasis, started excessive wax generation in left ear since 7-8 yrs back.  While periodic clinical ear  cleanings, doctor advised antibiotics but no improvement. In addition developed TM perforation. Exhausted left doctor visit. Last year one doctor told- there is no perforation, but wax formation is continuing... I don't feel any pain in ear or headache, no any specific problem. Kindly advise the solution/ treatment. Thanking you,
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Heart problems

Bp before 10 years and taking medicine proper but now a days I do tmt test show mieldy positive for provable mycardia sichmia so I do . CT cardiac engio all are normal dector stop farther investigation and give embita TM 40/50 and ecosprin 75 av it heart problems? What should I do? No chest pain.and breathing problems l do brisk walk regularly 10 menuts without any problems.
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Minimal bleeding after unwanted 72

On 1 St of August me and my boyfriend didn't have sex as neither penetration occurs nor he ejaculate near vagina but still as its for a very first tm we got tense and I had unwanted 72 on 3 Rd of August around 3 pm and on 6 th i had minimal blood spots and clot and my period date is on 5 th what this minimal bleeding indicate???
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Query of plaster removed before time

Sir /Mam My mom got hurt in her leg last month on May 07 and plaster date was 10th May. Now due to plaster got wet so mom suggested to remove plaster , plaster was of fibre gloss, now on 10th June plaster was removed.And now she eager to switch on to her duty .She is in bank ,I want to know that Mom can join duty.i wnt t knw hw mch tm need more pls
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Teeth grinding /clenching

Few months ago i started clenching my teeth (not at night but at day) intentionally for moving my lower jaw forward so that I can touch my lower front teeth with upper front teeth as I had an overbite problem. I have given some pictures of my overbite problem in the below. But after clenching for few months i felt heavily pain from my jaw and then I stopped clenching. But the results of clenching heavily affected me. The shape of my face has been changed probably due to the contraction in muscles in face for teeth clenching. And i feel several jaw joint problems. What are the effects of excessive teeth clenching on my tm joint? How Can this problem be cured?
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Hi - I have been seeing a doctor for throat infection and it has been long that I have been seeing him now. I was detected below by him: FUC of Pharyngitis Bilateral TM: WNL I/L: Congested and edematous atetenoids IMP: Pharyngitis with LO Reflex I am taking medicines from 5 days and it is not healing. I am taking Cepodem 200 mg, Teczine 5 mg and Rabicip. I however not feeling better at all. I want to get rid of my symptoms difficulty swallowing, discomfort in the throat, pain, irritation near the throat while speaking. Please suggest what should I do
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Hi... I wrote earlier reg my prob..which is burning and itching sensation on tight side of my scar... It intiated as a result of my OCD with my facial symmetry. Previously i was advised may be it is becoz of TM joint as i used to twist it as a compulsive action or skin infection. I discovered its somthing else. My ocd started in 2012 and also the pain started developing on risht side of head above ear part... I found my jaw also less in symmetry on right side. However after some phycholical session I changed myseld and recovered from OCD but the pain i.e itching and buring sensation is still giving me hard time. Please suggest
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