Recently Answered Questions on Proluton


Pregnancy beta hcg

My periods date was 1st April As soon as tested positive for pregnancy from next day started with brown sport sometimes red spotting and even red bleeding ..on complete bed rest But despite of my bleeding my beta hcg count is increasing 874 2127 4529 8201 16117 That's my beta hcg till now In sonography on 1 June it was 5 week 3 days with yolk sac seen No internal bleeding Please guide me further Medicine taking Dydroboon ...1-1-1 Macfolate Proluton depot injection once a week Are there any complications till now little scared
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How to stop sleep orgasms

I lost my 1st baby to an incompetant cervix. This is my second pregnancy. I am 14w thru. Got my preventive cerclage done 9days back. From same day of stitch i felt bit stimulation which i ignored. Then 3-4days later i had a jerk and woke up in midnight realising i had an orgasm. Totally unintentionally. Happening daily for past 2-3days now. I have no control over it. Ask my obgyn but no use. I am scared this can cause contractions. Somebody plz save my baby. I feel guilty and don't want this. I read only good things throughout day. Then y is it happening? Plzzzz help. I am on duphaston and Proluton weekly injection. Plz help urgent.
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Travel with low lying placenta

Had light bleeding twice during 10th-12th week due to low lying placenta reaching cervix. Was advised bed rest with weekly dosage of proluton depot 500mg inj along with other medicines. Have been on rest for 7 weeks since then. Now at 20 weeks anamoly scan, placenta is still low 1.5 cm from internal os. Medication is being continued. I am also facing  round ligament pain (pelvic and inner thigh muscles) at the time of getting up from a position. I wanted to know if it is safe to travel for office by cab. Distance 12-15km one way.
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To do usg after 14 injection of loronpin

My last period was on 18th June. I have done beta HCG test on 11th August and it was 1063.67 and after that I again done the beta HCG test on 18th August and it is 2263. My doctor prescribed me loronpin 0.04 injection regularly till pregnancy. And proluton depot in 15 - 15 days duration. She prescribed me Susten 400 , metformin 500Sr, Ecosprin 75mg, vitagreat. and she suggested me to do sonography after completion of 14 injection of loronpin to see the heart beat of baby. Pls suggest
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ICP and Progesterone treatment

I am 31 weeks pregnant. On PROLUTON Depot 500mg weekly 1 inj  and SUSTEN 200mg twice daily for 1 month. Pre-progesterone treatment my LFT and serum bile acid report was : sgpt 36.9, sgot 34.0, alkaline phosphatase 117.50. Last 1 week I am having a lot of itching in my palms and feet, so Dr. suggested lft's and serum bile acid test. The report is : sgpt 370,sgot 199, alkaline phosphatase 291.i have stated udiliv 300 twice a day, but should I continue with the same  progesterone dosage?
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Is Susten 200 my safe for me ?

I am pregnant for 10 weeks 3 days. Just before 3 days, I had little spotting and tiny amount of bleeding occurred. I immediately rushed to the doctor. They gave me proluton injection and prescribed Susten 200 mg capsules twice a day. They checked the fetal heart rate and found it to be very good and no other blood clot also detected. Next day my spotting and bleeding completely stopped.I am put under 2 weeks of complete bed rest and asked me take Susten 200 mg twice a day. I have lot of fatigue.
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Pregnancy in third week only, spotting.

Probably conceived on 2nd October, missed period on 8th October, prega test on 19th October almost confirm pregnancy, 2nd line on prega strip very faint. Doctor advised Fomlet,. Polybion czs,T- daflon 500mg twice a day, which I started on 19th itself. Doctor also advised in the prescription T-dephastone twice a day, inj. Proluton depot 500 & inj. Deccan 2ml once a week + ovidac (HCG) 5000 alternat day @15 days. 2 miscarriage last2 years. whether ovidac is required after pregnancy is confirmed.
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Twin with 2.5cm cervical len. at 28weeks

I'm pregnant with Twin MCDA type at 28th week. In scanning got to know that my cervical length is 2.5cm. And both the babies weigh 1.1kg each. My gync said it's normal and also I'm under proluton injection at fortnightly and also under duphaston medication. I had recently obstetrics cholestasis diagnosed with bileacid 17.69, after medication with udiliv it has reduced to 6.4 I want to know should I need to go for cervical cerclage to continue my full term 36 to 37weeks.  I'm bit worried about PTB before 36weeks.
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Brown discharge in 33 week

I had brown discharge from last night visited doc and done PV exam and she told me it's bcoz of infection. I had cerclage at 20 week. She prescribed injection for babies lungs maturity. Azee for infection and tab to keep vaginaly i am having duvadilan 10 mg thrice and proluton depot 500 once a week. I trust her still scared bcoz of brown discharge. I am having anxiety.still not sure y brown discharge is it mucus plug and can it cause premature labour.i want be full term and on bed rest till July 10. Please advice
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Pregnancy related

I am 16week5days pregnant with twins via ivf,2-3 days back i had uti my doc gave me niftas i spot some brown spotting is it normal or serious? Med m taking-duphaston,Progynova,susten sr 400,speedral,vehycal,ecosprin,eltroxin 75. Proluton depot inj i had total 3 inj weekly once after that doc stopped n start susten tab Brown discharge is all ok ???
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