Recently Answered Questions on Proluton


Vaginal spot/ bleeding in pregnancy

Hi, i am 15 weeks pregnant, from padt 3 days i suffered from vaginal spot. Today i saw my Dr. She suggest me proluton 500mg injection for 4 weeks, Pause-xt tab. Miprogen-SR 300mg Gynec-cpv And told me strict bed rest. I am very worried about my child, is he or she safe?
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5.6 weeks no Cardiac activity

My last period was on 18th June. Doctor is giving me loropin 0.04 injection regularly and proluton depot 500 injection in 15-15 days interval. I have done usg today on 29th August and it is showing Single early Intrauterine pregnancy of 5.6weeks gestation. No convincing cardiac activity noted. My CRL is 2.5mm corresponding to 5.6 weeks. Pls suggest why I am not able to see the cardiac activity of baby.
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Prolutun depot effects

I have a regular cycle.i took proluton depot 250 mg injection on doctors advice to skip my period on 13th feb evng . but unfortunately i got my period on 14 feb morning. and i got my period again on 27 th feb(less bleeding ) . i got my next period on 26 march but im not bleeding like my earlier periods . when it will be normal like before.
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Required tests in 2nd month pregnancy

Hi doctor, i am 30yrs old and my last menstrual date is jan 25th.i went to gynic and she did sonography test on mar 5th and said it is 6weeks of pregnancy. and on mar 10th i have seen very light bleeding and i went to doctor for consultation, again she did sonography test, and gave 3 injections - HCG, PROLUTON DEPOT, COSCK101. Is it safe to undergo mutiple sonography tests in first trimester. And also she asked to visit every week for checkup.
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Ecospirin, susten and c section

I had 2 miscarriage previously. And I am 38 weeks pregnant now. I had subchorionic hemorrhage in 3rd month of this pregnancy and it got cured after a month(I was given proluton injection weekly twice). I was taking ecospirin tablet and susten tablet for past 36 weeks. I also got thyroid after this pregnancy (taking 62.5 mg). My doctor suggests me to plan for a C-section as I had these complications. Is C-section the only option? Don't I have the chances to deliver vaginally? Can someone help pls
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Regarding gap in medicine

Hi, I have been taking susten 300 and folfit continuously for 10 days. I am 8 weeks pregnant now. Doc has also advised proluton depot 500mg/2ml injection also once a week for 3 weeks and 1 dose has been done. Medicines are about to finish today and I have already ordered another pack but will reach by Tuesday. So can i skip above medicines for a day Or two i.e.Monday and maybe Tuesday Or should I go to medical store and buy today only. Weird question but am concerned due to Corona Virus.
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Orgasms without intercourse

Hi, I got my cerclage at 14 weeks. I'm 22 weeks pregnant now. But have a high libido. I'm on proluton and susten. Want to know if it's ok to have orgasms through self stimulation (no insertion and no intercourse) once in a while? Till now have done it about 5 times totally post cerclage n there was no change in the cervical length when checked at 20 weeks. Pls advise. I'm very anxious. It's my second Pregnancy. Lost first one due to incompetent cervix.
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High lft in pregnancy

Currently 30 plus 2 weeks pregnant. I got lft done at 26 th week and the values were sgot - 69 , sgpt - 129 , Alkaline phosphate - 154.. but no itching was there, so my gynae didnt suggest any medicines and said its normal to have slightly elevated enzymes and to repeat lft after 4 weeks. Now in 30 th week the values got raised further , sgot - 111 , sgpt - 171, alkaline phosphate is 182. But now very mild itching once in 2-3 days. Still my gynae has refused to give any medicine and suggested me to stop proluton depot injection which i was taking weekly due to past history of incompetent cervix as according to her, proluton depot can also raise liver enzymes and told me to repeat lft after 2 weeks now.. can delaying the treatment cause any effect to foetus? As this is my rainbow baby .
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Brown mucus discharge in 25th week preg.

Hi all, I am 30yrs. This is my 1st pregnancy. No previous health issue. No bp , sugar.I completed my 24th week of pregnancy.all sonography report, double marker nt scan test gone well. Its 25th week going on. Before 3 days I got brown mucus discharge. I went to hospital there they examin physically and concluded no bleeding and no discharge. They provide me proluton 250 injection. My sonography is ok. My doct provide me this proluton injection till 34th week . Weekly once. I got spotting again yesterday. I m not getting what might be the issue now. Can i travel in such situation via flight. Anything wrong in my there any chances of preterm labour. I m quite scared. Please guide me. Attaching the mucus screenshot.
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Stopped medicine from 5 days

My wife is 13 weeks pregnant weight 46. He had little blood clots in the toilet due to which I took him to a doctor. The doctor prescribed her Proluton depot injection in a week, (Sustan 300 , livogen, shelcalxt,folvite in afternoon) duphaston two time After 10 days, my wife noticed some side effects like vomiting more, headache, pain in eyes and stomach was also feeling a little differently. See all these side effects that appear after taking the second injection. When I talked to the doctor, the doctor said that if you feel that there will be side effects from the injection, then you should stop the medicines immediately. I am not taking any medicines since last 5 days, can I go without medicines? Even without medicines, the side effects have gone away for me but there is still a little pain in my body, will it go away on its own?
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