Recently Answered Questions on Proluton


About spotting

My sis is 5 months pregnant yesterday morning she saw some spotting in urine they went for hospital they gave proluton injection and did ultrasound scan in that everything is fine but still they have told for complete bedrest .that doctor didn't told any reason why it happened .again today also some spotting is seen ?why this happens?any issues?really bed rest needed?
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Pregnancy Query

Hello Doctor Currently 25 weeks. Till 24 weeks I was taking Duphaston.. After that my doctor has given Proluton Depot 250 weekly and told me to stop Duphaston. I am liitle bit worried after stopping Duphaston..  I came to know from few woman who was taken injection along with Duphaston / Sustan orally. Please suggest will it be any problems in my case as I have stopped now duphaston? Can I continue Duphaston also along with Injection?
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Bleeding in 13 week of pregnancy

I am 13 weeks pregnant, recently I faced heavy bleeding, I have consulted doctor immediately. She confirms baby is good with heart beat around 140. Prescribed medication proluton 500mg weekly once for 4 weeks and dhuphasten 10mg tab. Bleeding got decreased a bit, now it was moderate bleeding. As I am losing some blood daily will it show any impact on baby? Will baby have shortage of blood?
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Heavy bleeding in 13 week of pregnancy

I am 13 weeks pregnant. I have high bleeding yesterday, I have consulted doctor, in scanning baby looks normal. he prescribed proluton 500mg once a week for 4 weeks and dhuphasten 10 mg daily 2. After taking this it was better today but still have some bleeding not as much as yesterday.I am  worried on this, will bleeding gets decrease in couple of days?
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Gynaec problem

I had a spont abortion at 21w last time. Thos time i got cerclage at 14w. I am 15w now. Facing a strange problem while sleeping i feel stimulated and twice had an orgasm in sleep and woke up with a shock that what just happened. I am too scared it can produce contractions. My doctor says nothing can be done about it. I am still v scared to hell. This kinda thing never happened to me before. I am on Proluton injection and Duphaston. I read only religious books throughout day. Plz suggest how can i get rid of this problem. I am v v scared. Plllz help.
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Vaginal spot/ bleeding in pregnancy

Hi, i am 15 weeks pregnant, from padt 3 days i suffered from vaginal spot. Today i saw my Dr. She suggest me proluton 500mg injection for 4 weeks, Pause-xt tab. Miprogen-SR 300mg Gynec-cpv And told me strict bed rest. I am very worried about my child, is he or she safe?
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5.6 weeks no Cardiac activity

My last period was on 18th June. Doctor is giving me loropin 0.04 injection regularly and proluton depot 500 injection in 15-15 days interval. I have done usg today on 29th August and it is showing Single early Intrauterine pregnancy of 5.6weeks gestation. No convincing cardiac activity noted. My CRL is 2.5mm corresponding to 5.6 weeks. Pls suggest why I am not able to see the cardiac activity of baby.
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Prolutun depot effects

I have a regular cycle.i took proluton depot 250 mg injection on doctors advice to skip my period on 13th feb evng . but unfortunately i got my period on 14 feb morning. and i got my period again on 27 th feb(less bleeding ) . i got my next period on 26 march but im not bleeding like my earlier periods . when it will be normal like before.
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Required tests in 2nd month pregnancy

Hi doctor, i am 30yrs old and my last menstrual date is jan 25th.i went to gynic and she did sonography test on mar 5th and said it is 6weeks of pregnancy. and on mar 10th i have seen very light bleeding and i went to doctor for consultation, again she did sonography test, and gave 3 injections - HCG, PROLUTON DEPOT, COSCK101. Is it safe to undergo mutiple sonography tests in first trimester. And also she asked to visit every week for checkup.
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Some shivers while lying or sleeping

Hi , I am in my 21st week of pregnancy. It's an IVF pregnancy and I am on progesterone, Proluton Depot 500 weekly, folic acid, calcium, iron and thyroxin tablets. I feel some light shivers in the morning or evening sometimes when I wake up from sleep. Is it normal? My USG scans and BP has been normal.
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