Recently Answered Questions on Proluton


Blood clot in pregnancy

I am pregnant with 21wks. On 15 wk I have faced heavy bleeding then after that doctor start maintain and proluton depot 500 injection and medicine . After ultrasound there is clot with size of 113* 34 mm. Now few spot of bleeding facing regular. Please advise
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Injection Compatibility

I have been advised Proluton 500 injection weekly which I have been taking from past 6 months. Right now i am 27 weeks pregnant in third trimester. Next week I will have to undergo Anti D Injection as i have O negative blood group & husband is O positive. Should i avoid taking both injections same week? Do they react to each other? Is it safe ?
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Pregnancy, Week 15 Cervical length 2.4

I have SCh H and couple of heavy bleeding episodes in week 11. My cervical length is 2.4 - 2.5 on week 15. I'm on Proluton depot once a week & susten 300 Daily. Should I go for cervical cerclage?
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Sudden stopage of susten200

Iam 22 weeks pregnant now ,i have been used susten200 mrng and night since 4 weeks of pregnancy to till now. And proluton250 weekly once, Now my doctor prescribed to stop susten200 and proluton injections. Can I stop suddenly susten200 (progesterone) completely ? It may not lead to withdrawal bleeding or any side-effects?
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Gynec: 3 trimester, ovarian cyst in baby

I would like to know reason for ovarian cyst in neonatal (does duphaston or proluton side effect lead to ovarian cyst), can this be cured if detected in 3rd trimester through medicine. If this is caused by mother hormone, what test should be done to check harmone in 2nd trimester onward.
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Pregnancy related

I am 1 month 15 days pregnant today morning when I gone for a bath I saw a small clot of blood just a size of rice in my pant and two spot of blood I am afraid I talked to doctor but didn't satisfy with her advice she inject me two injection (proluton depot and. Hucog 5000 ) is there any thing serious please advice me
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Missed period

Lmp : 6 nov Doctor prescribed below Naturogest 200 thrice daily ecospin 75 once daily enoxaparin sodium injection daily folic acid once daily proluton depot injection once weekly is it safe to have these many medicines during pregnancy?
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Pregnancy Test

My period time is missed by 7days. While checked with Prega News it is displaying one dark and one light pink lines. Need to know what steps should be taken further. One more thing 3days back I also checked same result was there, then on advice of my doctor I took the injection proluton Depot 500mg. Please advice as my doctor is out of station for 2-3 days...
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Pregnancy related

Bicornuate uterus pregnancy week 20 , should I travel by train . Travelling time 12 hrs and 600kms .. reservation in 3 AC . So far no problem .. proluton injection weekly with other medicines are continuing. Kindly advice.
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Query regarding my ivf medication

Hi Doctors, I had my fet in jan month and conceived. I'm 2 months pregnant now. I was under ivf medication and consultation as per the ivf specialist until 1.5 months and now I have started consulting another gynecologist nearby my place. After my fet, I was taking estradiol , duphaston medicines and fertigyn 5000iu, proluton 500mg and aq susten 25 mg injections. Now, my current gynecologist says I should continue fertigyn injection until 12 weeks and then I can stop it and I was recommended to take proluton injection throughout my pregnancy. I had been given other medications like susten capsules, iron and calcium tablets, folvite and ecospirin. Kindly suggest and let me know if this is ok?
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