Recently Answered Questions on Proluton


Proluton Depot injection

Where to give this injection in body? As my doctor didn't tell the area on which it will be used. And what happen if we miss one dose accidentally.
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Low lying placenta

Is anything serious?? Any precautions need to take ?. I am already in proluton inj and naturogest tab
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Injection date

I have bee taking proluton depot inject on every Monday. Is there any problem if I take it on Tuesday this week?
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Eraction problem

Sir a doctor prescribe me Proluton depot 500 mg injuction for me. My name is rishi i am male person. Is it safe for me.?
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Subchorionic collection

Hello, I have a subchorionic collection. I have brown spotting when I go to washroom. How much time will it take to resolve? I am on duphaston and proluton currently. Thanks
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Traveling in 13th week

How many days before traveling should I take Proluton depot 500 mg injection as I have low lying placenta.
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Pregnancy related query

My wife is 6 week pregnant. Doctor suggested Proluton injection along with susten sr 300. But due to unavailability of proluton injection i am taking lupi hcg5000 injection. Is it safe??
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Low lying placenta

Hi i had blood flow in16 wks and also had low lying placenta detected in 17 wks and doc said to have head low and keep taking proluton 500 weekly. I hv bn taking proluton since last 1.5months and last scan done in 22 wks shows placenta has not moved up. Is it safe to continue proluton and how to be taken. What will be the risk in delivery if placenta doesnot move up.
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28weeks 3days

Im in 28weeks 3days of pregnancy... i spotted today so went to hospital my gynecologist gave me proluton injection,betnesol injection and BOOSTRIX after coming home when i pass urine its smelling different something stinky is it because of  proluton injection ? Why because everytime when i take proluton injection i get smell when i pee... 2days back only i completed night course candid cl pessary vaginally for white to yellowish discharge with stinky urine smell...
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Pregnancy related

I am now 9 week pregnant. For my lower abdomain pain my doctor advised to take proluton depot 250 injection for 4 weeks one for every week. Why this injection is preferred? How many days this will be taken?
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