Recently Answered Questions on Proluton


Pregnancy related

I am now 9 week pregnant. For my lower abdomain pain my doctor advised to take proluton depot 250 injection for 4 weeks one for every week. Why this injection is preferred? How many days this will be taken?
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Pro 9 500 inj substitute

Im prescribed pro9-500 injection necause of previous miscarriage. Can i substitute pro9-500 with proluton depot if its not avaliable. Thnks in advance
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Period problem

I didn't get my periods last month in April and then i went for checkup then doctor gave me proluton injection 250mg i want to know is everything fine and in the month of November i had protected sex do it mean I'm pregnant
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Short cervix

At 20 weeks cervical length is 1cm , cerclage done at 17 weeks at that time cervix length was 2.5cm . Is it possible to take the pregnancy at least 32 weeks , I am taking proluton depot injection biweekly
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Cervix length 2.6 at 30 weeks

My cervix length is 2.6cm at 30 weeks pregnancy. I'm taking susten 200mg at night and also proluton depot injection once in 15 days . Should I take bed rest. Is it length normal at this time. ??
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I got my iui on 3rd june and proluton depot 500mg injection on 8th june and 15th june.Pregnancy test is negative on 24th june.Why it happen.Iam pregnant or not please send the answer
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Hucog hp 5000 injection in pregnancy

Hello, I had bleeding in 12th week of pregnancy and it was managed using pause and sylate injections. In discharge summary doctor has prescribed hucog hp 5000 and proluton injection. Are these safe in pregnancy to take please suggest. Thanks
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Brown discharge

Hi I am 25th weeks pregnant. After taking proluton depto  injection the next day i see drown mucus discharge.i am so tensed Why this happened due to d injection .i took it according to doctor Please replay.i have to stop it or continue
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Pregnancy Related Query

Hello I am 2nd trimester pregnant. My doctor prescribed Proluton Depot 250 weekly once along with Duphaston twice and Ecosprin 150 once As I am taking progesterone injection along with Duphaston tablets, will it harm in pregnancy?
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Fever during pregnancy

Hi, I'm 33 weeks pregnant and having cold from yesterday and slight fever as well... Note that I have been given proluton shots for dilating cervix. Can anybody suggest me the medication for cold and fever
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