Recently Answered Questions on Life


About sex life

My frnd have a B.P problem nd he drink wine and he is smoker till wat age he can have a sex i wnt to no dt till wat age he can have a sex life with his patner her age is 46
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Sexual life

My friend married last year but he couldn't enjoying sexual life. He have some confusion regarding sex procedure; because during sex after ejaculation in vagina, semen fully comes out from vagina and he think that's why her wife not becomes pregnant
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Depressed with life

Hi, My name is Shantanu age 25 living in bangalore. My question is I feel sad depressed daily I am not happy with my life, I don't know how can I live life in positive way. When I wakeup in the morning I feel depressed. I have very bad experience in the past and my past is still haunting like a ghost. How can I overcome it??? I also become too much emotional and sad and even cry when I see other people how they are happy and enjoying their life and when I compare I feel how I am inferior person . I don't have friends. Kindly guide me How can I overcome my past??? Some of my family members make my fun that I am worst person How can I deal situation??? I am comparing with me to other person how they are better and I am not like that??? Day by day I am loosing my interest and self confidence.
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Cannot see future in life

Done mbbs Gave 3 sttempts in neet pg 3rd one being the latest And i have no hopes ill get through this time also Feeling very anxious and depressed about life With all my friends doing pg and some even completing pg and starting practice I feel like a stuck stone in a tube .. which cannot go back and cant even go forward.. everything got blocked and stuck in this phace of life Unable to start the next phace of life Idk what to do where to go whom to talk to and what to ask ... I just feel like a person who is fit for nothing ... I even don't know why i came her. And what to expect here ...
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My life is a rollercoaster

Im a introvert and had my whole life 2 to 3 friends and one of them was my bestfriend. Sometimes i lock myself for one month or so but ive done this my whole life. And i dont speak or phone with my friends and the last time was in august and my bestfiend doesnt live nearby and understand that in a really different way and we had a quarrel. And yet i dont have friends but my big sis helps me alot but i dont i think thats unnormal.
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Stressful life

Hi, I am a 23-year-old female. I have a history of Child Sexual Abuse and was an unwanted child, resulting to terrible childhood memories which I find difficult to forget. Self-harm, self-worthlessness, lying excessively and crying for hours and weeks are a profound part of my life. It also feels like people around me would have had a better life without me. I am willing to seek help, what are some good psychologists I can consult in South Delhi, female doctors are preferable.
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Afraid in my life

I feel afraid some or other small things in daily life . Some time losing job.some time afraid of losing some ,some time health.sometime disease.sometime other thing is there any positive thinking or remedies
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Life after angioplasty??

My age is 27. Engineer by profession. Undergone angioplasty in last month. Please suggest Should I get married?? If I tell my future wife that I suffered with heart attack no one will agree to marry me. What to do. Thinking about staying single whole life.
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Lost interest in life

I've lost interest in life. I have no reason, no motive. I've got my career goals but in the longer run even that seems worthless. Everything sucks so it's futile to put any effort into it.Loving,attaching, planning everything seems to fail and fall apart.
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Problems in my sex life

Hi. I'm 26 and married since 8 months. But I'm facing serious Problems in my sex life. We have never had an intercourse yet after marriage. That thought makes me feel more tensed when i try having sex everytime and fail in it. Please let me know what to do..
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