Recently Answered Questions on Life


Marriage life problem

I have been married 3 months back and mine is love marriage. I know my husband from past 3 years. But he is showing his real face now. Torturing me at core for money and insulting my parents. Now what should i do i need help from you people for family life. Please help me
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Not happy with life

I don't know what has happened to me,i don't know if this depression but i don't feel happy any more,i am losing my friends and it feels that i haven't been able to anything in life, i am always worried about my career,want to do a lot of things,but confused what to do,i want to give everything possible to my family and every day i am worried tha
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No interest in life and headache

My wife have anxiety disorder , no interest in life, often headach, no interest to Communication with society, always fell sorrow , not want to meet with family men without any sufficient cause finally have a suicidal tendency.
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Issue in life

Totally lost intrest in life, don't have a healthy relationship with parents due bad childhood, all my previous hobbies/interests don't attract me anymore, hardly feel like eating food. Sit in my room all day long smoking marijuana and cigarettes to cope up with boredom. Have a gf from 2 years who I meet most of time, but don't feel the same love and care towards her, people who were once friends have got busy or don't bother to keep in touch.  Haven't been working since 2 years. In financial difficulties since quite sometime. Don't really have ambitions/goals in life. Just living a meaningless life everyday. Going with the flow of everyday. Have thought about suicide once or twice, but I feel there is another better solution than it. Help!
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How do be more happy in life

Hi i lost my parents.My mil is not very friendly type. She is tooo practical. My husband listens to me sometimes. She is not very jolly person. How to be more happy with this situation. I used to be a very happy person enjoying my life. Now I started hating everything. I try to engage in something but still I am not very happy. Not able to make friends as well how to tackle this
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My sex life

Hello Medem Haw Are You Medem If You Don't Mind i Want Ask Some Thing Its About My Sexlife i Am Merride i Have Problem With My Life My Wife is Not Setisfied With My Performance. In 1 Mint I Am Going To Free. You Know What i Am Trying To Say? Please Medem Help Me i Am Very Shamefulle in Front Of My Wife So Please Medem Ref. Me Some Thing Or Any Dr.
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Unsatisfied with my life

I'm worried about my career. I feel that i dnt hv capacity to do things.. M discouraged, dishearted. I feel demotivated. I dnt hv sharp mind.. I go mad sometimes related to my relationship. I hv somehow mantained distance with some of my friends.. I feel alone sometimes.. M not satisfied with the life i'm living.
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Worried with my life

Hello respected doctors, I am very much worried with my current situation of life, feel so much isolated i work in a company as a customer support executive, call centre and I feel difficulties in communicating with my colleagues and I am the most introvert guy slur speech it do not happens to me always but sometimes I am at my best mood swings, if someone is laughing it seems at me though they not, how can I overcome
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Sexual life

Hi doctor, I am married for 6 years now. But my wife has no interest in sexual life, tried many things nothing worked out. My alternative approach from last 6 months is going to red light areas like bangkok once in 3 months, satisfying myself and coming back. Is this good or right thing to do? Is there anything i need to take care apart from using protection?
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My life and studies

Actually i am confused what is going in my mind,i know i should study but when i sit for studying i can't concentrate into it.during my exam period i don't want to study.i think for a second my life will be spoiled but after another second this thought never comes into mind.i want to achieve something but i don't know what is happening with me.
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