Recently Answered Questions on Life


My sex life

Hello Medem Haw Are You Medem If You Don't Mind i Want Ask Some Thing Its About My Sexlife i Am Merride i Have Problem With My Life My Wife is Not Setisfied With My Performance. In 1 Mint I Am Going To Free. You Know What i Am Trying To Say? Please Medem Help Me i Am Very Shamefulle in Front Of My Wife So Please Medem Ref. Me Some Thing Or Any Dr.
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Unsatisfied with my life

I'm worried about my career. I feel that i dnt hv capacity to do things.. M discouraged, dishearted. I feel demotivated. I dnt hv sharp mind.. I go mad sometimes related to my relationship. I hv somehow mantained distance with some of my friends.. I feel alone sometimes.. M not satisfied with the life i'm living.
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Worried with my life

Hello respected doctors, I am very much worried with my current situation of life, feel so much isolated i work in a company as a customer support executive, call centre and I feel difficulties in communicating with my colleagues and I am the most introvert guy slur speech it do not happens to me always but sometimes I am at my best mood swings, if someone is laughing it seems at me though they not, how can I overcome
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Stuck in life

I have dilemma to choose between two options .I tried many things to solve it like search online ,saw YouTube videos,talk with family, wirte pros and cons for both , even take career counseling, career assessment but seems like nothing is working . I am scared to choose one ,lost interest in work or career ,something it's feel that I'm not able to do anything, whole day only one thought is chattering in my mind ,I just don't know what to do in life now
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Sperm life

What is life of sperm in dry woolen cloth in winter season I was having wet dream Can sperm pass through my woolen pants to jacket I left that jacket outside for 2 days can sperm will be alive?? Does after 2 days sperm can pass through jacket 2 hands and cause pregnancy by hand to hand transfer??? Plzz answer I am in doubt plzzzz...
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Confusion in Life

I am very confused right now. Everything seems to be slipping from my hand, time, career, family, relationship, all things seems to be slipping. I have adopting a very anger feeling in me and its making me more confused. I feel like i am drowning in this world and not able to reach the any side of the sea. I want help i really do. This time period of life is making me worse rather than making me strong. I am failing at all things. I am not able to overcome my fear of failure and laziness of leaving my comfort zone. All these are making me worse. I never wanted to be like this as i am today. Could you please help me?
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I cannot enjoy life

I am lonely, have been since high school. I can’t make friends because I can’t be myself. I’m 27 now and have never improved. When I talk to people I get nervous, my heart rate rockets, my eyes dart everywhere, sometimes I even shake. I feel like half my life is over and all of it has been alone. I worry constantly what others think of me. I am completely fake with people and I cannot stop because I’m ashamed of myself and my lack of friends. Is there any advise you can give me?
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Life seems to be hopeless in every way!

Being a avergae student in academics , the peception of my parents and everybody around me is the same . Everyone thinks i am a below average guy who can't do anything in life. I had a lots and lots of guys around me 3 years back but now i am all alone . I am scared to attend calls of my friends , unable to concentrate while driving , unable to feel alive , everything seems dull . I am an introvert , shy kinda guy . I want to be succesffull and wealthy and confident , can some one help me ? I am from a well off family but again i am poor at my stage .
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How to manage my life

I can't tolerate my mother in law and my husband is a mama's boy yet now.We have been married for 8years and recently took baby but my husband forces me to follow all lectures of his mother regarding child upbringing.He considers his mother to be correct in all aspects and myself a fool who does not know anything.Whenever I don't listen to his mother he gives slang words to me..I feel that my entire life is a hell after marrying this man and I feel very much depressed and thoughtful regarding how to raise my son in such a situation.My mother in law has to interfere in each and every matter regarding my relationship with him and how should I manage my household and how to take care of our child...she has made my life an utter hell.If I go against her my husband is ready to give me divorce and take my child away from me...He calls me mad,abnormal etc.. I feel to commit suicide in several situations... We had love marriage but I was not aware about this aspect of my husband's nature be4
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Life after Stroke

My dad aged 65 meet with undergone treatment for Brain attack - stroke in Oct.,2015 and recovered fully. And we do take him for periodical checkups and continue to take medicines as advised by doctors. Currently taking medicines named STROCIT PLUS and DEPLATT -CV capsules. Doctor continue to do Speech test, Hands up while eyes closed & smile test to review him in all checkups completed. Haven’t did any CT Scan/ Blood tests to review his current health condition. I just concerned about his life coz i read USA Stroke Association link named "Life after Stroke" which emphasis 50% of men’s will have recurrent stroke. Please clarify should we undergo Brain / Heart CT Scans for self-satisfaction or continue medications as advised by Doctor. If so please let me know which scans should we undergo to review stroke analysis . Please review and advise. Thank you.
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