Recently Answered Questions on IF-2


Taking 2 mifepristone

My doctor gave me 2 tabs 300 mcg each of mifepristone for the medical abortion. In most cases I have heard only one is given. Please tell me if 2 is dangerous and what should I do? Should take only one.why does the doc give 2, I'm mostly less than 1 month of pregnancy. Thanks
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Headache from 2 days

Hello my husband age 27 years is having headache from 2 days..what should be done what is the cause of headache
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Not get menses last 2 month

It has been almost 2 month n i did not gt my menßes and my pregnency test is also negative what to do
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I am having cold since 2 days

I am 18 weeks pregnant and having cold since 2 days, which medicine can I take? Can you please suggest.
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Minoxidil 2%

Doctor advised to use minoxidil 2%. Please tell me how to use it and should I use it once or twice a day? Also for how long do I need to continue minoxidil?
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Fever last 2 Days

My husband is having fever last 2 days. His fever is fluctuating . What does it mean. Kindly suggest.
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Hairfall from last 2 years

I am 29 years old and my hair is failing since 2 years so how do I cure and what diet should I go for?
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PCOD from last 2 years

My wife is going through a PCOD problem. This is from last 2 years but we are not able to find any solution with any of the doctors which we have shown to them. I need you to reply back to me if some is giving complete solution for this.
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Is there any problem to use 2 condom?

Can we use 2 condom together while having sex ? To be double sure that there won't be sperm from my penis
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Headache from 2 days

Headache and running nose from 2 days , after having paracetamol tablets the
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