Recently Answered Questions on IF-2


Cold from last 2 days

Having cold from last 2 days please advise medicine , please note I am having pregnancy of 3 months by taking of ivf treatment
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Fever since past 2 days

Hi, I have constant fever since past 2 days, It's around 99F in morning and goes upto 102F in evenings.Any suggestions.
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Constipation from 2 years

I am facing constipation from last 2 years and allergy like running nose. Now I can see small pimples on face also. Kindly suggest me solution
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2 month pregnant

Hii Good evening My wife is 2 month pregnant and now she is bleding brownish colour. Plz advice and what are the causes. Thanking you
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Can we use 2 condom together???

While having sex can we use 2 condom together for double safety???We don't want to break condom any how.
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2 day period

I had an ipill after contact and I got my period only for 2 days on the expected time. What does it mean? Am i pregnant?
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Not getting periods for last 2 month

Hi dr I am not getting my periods for last 2 months why what is the Problem.plz prescribed me some medicine to get my periods
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2 periods in one month

I am 2 month post partum I had my period 10 days ago and i am bleeding again like i am on my period I had sexual relations a month ago unprotected
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Cough problem from last 2 days

Cough problem from last 2 days Medicine given Mucolite...but no affect. Cough increased , plz suggest if medicine needs to be changed.
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Motions from 2 days

My sister is suffering from loose motion from 2 days, and also feeling very sick.can you prescribe some medicine to cure this
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