Recently Answered Questions on IF-2


Not able to move bowel from last 2 days.

I am not able to move my bowel from last 2 days . Stool get harder. Even sometime there is some blood came with bowel movement. Please help me in this .
116 Views hidden

He has been suffering from fever since 2

He has suffering from fever since last 2 days and light cough in nose plz advice fever high to low due to paracetamol tablet
88 Views hidden

Dizziness for the past 2 days

Feeling dizzy and headache for the past 2 days ,can't keep my head straight without getting dizzy or a head ache
97 Views hidden

Front 2 teeths

I have measured front 2 teeth gap and it is around 2mm,so how can close this without braces,and suggest me a good dentist in pune
155 Views hidden

Estrabet 2

Doctor prescribed me to take this tablet Estrabet 2 mg forever. If I take this medicine for lifetime, Can I have any problem? I have menopause.
2070 Views hidden

Schizophrenia from 2 years

I am on solian 400 mg twice a day and pacitane 2 mg.I am forgetting everything. Is this an effect of medicine. What I should do?
1340 Views hidden

Diarrhoea past 2 days

I have been having diarrhoea past 2 days ,I even had sporolac tablet but no relief and I'm allergic to O2H ofloxacin and ornidazole
261 Views hidden

Is there any problem if I use 2 condom?

Is there any problem if I use 2 condom together while having sex with my gf?? I don't want her to be pregnant anyway...pls help me to get out of this problem... Give me the best suggestions which will help us to have sex safely..
199 Views hidden

Child 2 year

2 years old baby is having motion after every meal. stool is normal its not loose. please advise asap.
84 Views hidden

Constipation for 2 month

I have problem of constipation for 2 month ....i tried dulcolex , cremaffin ayurvedic medicine, esabgol and other but it only effect on next day.....after ward again problem start..
1166 Views hidden