Recently Answered Questions on IF-2


Suffering from sinus from past 2 years

Suffering from sinus from past 2 years, now these days it is giving me more problem like choking of nose especially in night, also frequency of sneezing is increasing, Please advice
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2 day period

I have PCOS but periods are very regular (29 days).but they last for only 2 days. Should i be worried?Or is this normal in PCOS.
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Ketoconazole 2%

I was prescribed Ketoconazole 2% for a fungal infection under my breasts and on the side of my foot. May I also use this for a vaginal yeast infection
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2 Days late

Okay I am 2 days late on my period and I have been having watery discharge, is this a sign of early pregnancy?
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Osmf 2 problem

I m suffering from osmf grade 2 problem. I have quit tobacco completely. Is there any chances that problem be cured completely
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Suffering from acne since 2 years.

Suffering from acne since 2 years may be its skin infection. I think i need help i mean i need to treatment for acne but permanently.
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Why i have only 2 days of periods ?

I have only 2 days of periods , what is the reason of it ? Brown discharge before the periods starts. Is that normal or should i consult doctor
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Headache from last 2 years

Headache from last 2 years and now feeling headache everyday from last 3 months on top of the head (may be brain).
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Vomiting from 2 days

Having vomitings from 2 days even not able to digest water. If am eating or drinking anything within a mjnute it comes out Feeling very week
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Headache for 2 days

Sir I have headache for 2 days can it be a sign of a major diseases in future...please help me i want to clear my doubt
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