Recently Answered Questions on EXAMIC


Night before exam can I take sleep pill

Becoz of anxiety I m not able to sleep before exam this reduce my performance can I take melatonin or speeling pills beforey exam day to sleep
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Heavy head during exam

I am having heavy head during exam not able to study from uni. Dr they give paramet and zinetac it relieves for 1 day and then again starts help me I am having exam on Tuesday
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Anxiety before exams

I'm a student preparing for NEET examination since 2020. I studied whole year but when exam was just a week far ,I started feeling breathlessness,I was unable to touch even the books, what I did was just crying..I was not able able to study at all, even after taking medicine prescribed by the doctor, I just only sleep whole day, this happened this year 2022. In 2021 same thing happened but a little earlier that is 10-14 days before the exam, I did the same, quit studying and didn't touch books. I thought this will not repeat again but it did.. Can you please tell me what can I do to cure this? it's so stressful. Also my health too was not good, I had vitamin deficiencies when I got my blood test done after that I took medicines for that too. Don't know about current levels of vitamins.
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Exam Stress

Im medical student. Currently in 3rd year. I'm in hostel. I had never been in hostel before joining mbbs.i had roommate issues in 1st year so underwent depression during final exams. But i got distinction in 1st year. Now I changed room nd all fine with my exroomate. But I get stressed during exam a lot. My mind gets easily distracted at that time(like, I rewind my conversation with people and think whether I said the right thing or not). Help me. I want to excel in my profession. I also come under General merit which takes hard work to get PG seat..I just want some guidelines to manage stress and on how to deal with people..
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Very depressed due to exam results

I am facing a near depression problem as i am not able to crack many exams which i read and do so well in my post graduation as i am not able to get over many exams i am feeling very tensed nad not knowing of how to clear the exams which i love studying and spend a lot of time on that my study is m sc agricultural economics please suggest some tips for overcoming this
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Stress Tension Pressure of exam

Hi Mam / Sir I am a student pursuing CA Final Exams. I am not able to clear the exams for last 3 years. I have given 6 attempts but couldn't clear any. During preparation I am not under much pressure but during exam days I am not able to cope with pressure. I am under lot of stress and tension. As a result I start facing health issues gas problems, headache. I tend to leave the exams Please help.
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Testicle self exam

First time in my.               life I done testicle self exam both testis is soft but burning in skin
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Anxiety in exam time

I am facing a lot of anxiety issues which are leading me nowhere to a perfect preparations for my CAT exam.
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Pelvic pain exam concerns

I've been having persistent pelvic pain for a quite a while now. What happens at an exam for pelvic pain?
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Pressure when writing exams

I'm a medical student. I can't write my exams well because of my abnormal there any good pressure tablet for me?
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