Recently Answered Questions on EXAMIC


Regarding government exam

Sir I am electrical engineer and I applied in vidhyut sahayak Am I fit or unfit My left eye have low vision and right eye is fine so am eligible for government exam
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Studying for exams

Hi Doctor, I'm appearing for a competitive exam in 2 months from now. I have appeared for this once before and failed. I'm unable to get myself together to sit and prepare for this again
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Exam anxiety problem

He is pursuing chartered accountancy course. He studies hard. When he appears for mock tests and other test series he clears the same. But when he appears for the real exam he is not able to perform wel. His mind becomes blank and he cannot stand upto his ability. In a hurry he makes so many mistakes . If u give the same sum in mock test he solves it but not able to solve the same sum in real exam. So that means he has exam anxiety. What is the solution to his problem. Please advise.
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Night before an exam

Im 17 yrs old studying in 12th standard. I can't sleep when i have an exam next day first happend when i was giving my first exam of class 11th. I mean if i go to bed at 2:00 am after completing my revision i can't sleep ...some times time passes ...and i realise its morning. Due to this i can't focus on my exam that day.
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Math exam fear

I prepared  for math exam and guve everyone ans.... but at day on exam i forget everything and failed
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Stressed due to exam

Am feeling deeply stressed due to an upcoming exam. I cant sleep at the right time and over-sleep when I do. I feel drained and tired throughout the day. Also I dont feel like getting out of bed. I fail to get any sleep without masturbating.
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Exam pressure

I have enrolled myself for a professional exam which I m unable to clear bcs of many incidents in my life but as an alternative I took a job and also decided to go into other field. Am I a failure? I'm 23 and my life is not yet sorted.
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Please suggest me for  RRB exam

Dear sir, Please suggest me for medical fitness for rrb exam: Physical fitness Distance vision:6/12,6/18 with or without glasses. Near vision:SN.0.6,0.6 With or without glasses when reading or close work is required. Recently checked my eyes below is my prescription. Right eye Sph:-0.75,cyl:-0.75, axis :40, vision:6/6. Left eye Sph:-075,cyl:-0.75,axis:90, vision:6/6 Near:sph:0,cyl:0, vision:N6. So please compare and suggest me for eligibility for RRB Exam.
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Exam dilemma

I am depressed. This and so many else cause to deteriotation of my studying condition. I am a master student and currently I am at 5th semester but I couldn't pass even half of the ECTs. Today I have an exam but now I am certain that I can't pass it. I had the experience of not going to exam or just go and fail or cancel it by a doctor certificate. I don't know what to do now? Should I go and fail or just leave it and look for a medical excuse to cancel it,so there would be no more fail in myCV?
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Insomnia before exams

I have a very important exam coming from Monday. From last 4 days I am not being able to sleep. I fall asleep around 5 or 6 am in the morning and it's effecting my studies. I am currently taking LIBRAX due to related IBS. But it's not helping 😭 Please help
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