Recently Answered Questions on Domstal


Black specs in is 4.5 months

She has some black specs in stool toa Day, and is having urine infection citrobacter frundii > 100000 cfu/ml Also she had reflux vomiting on 11th.. she was on domstal drops for 2 days.. today she is spitting more liquid than milk.. she is lactose intolerant and givung isomil 2-3 times only rest on breadtfeed
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Vomiting after having food

Hello doctor, my 1year 4 month baby started vomiting slightly when she cough but from yesterday whatever she had except water she is vomiting a lot.she has fever yesterday but today she is fine.Yesterday we went to the doctor & he prescribed domstal 9drops before food.She is looking very tired & not active also.But she is feeling hungry once she started having food she is feeling nausea.What shall I do now.Is there any antibiotic is there to stop her vomit
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Regarding spitting out

My baby is 1 nd half month old she is exclusively on formula feed (nan pro)am feeding her 60ml every 2 to 3 hrs .from one week she is spitting a lot don't knw what is the prblm. Am I overfeeding her .how much ml should give for my baby .can I use domstal drops?one of the doctor suggested neopeptine drops ?kindly tell some treatment
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GER in infants

My two month old baby is having GER... She is always cranky and fussy all the time... She is not able to sleep...due to this reflux...due to which she gets irritated... Otherwise she remains jolly happy ..wen she is not havng reflux... Please doc's i am so much worried... Is this condition treatable... Will my baby be fine??? Dr has suggested to give rantop drops twice ...and domstal baby drops thrice before each feed... Will these medicines resolve this issue...for hw mch time i hv to gv her these medicines...
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Acid reflux in baby

My baby is 50 days old ...She is having acid reflux... Dr suggested to give rantop syrup 0.5ml two times ... And domstal baby three times before feeding...i want to knw how many drops are 0.5ml ... And do i have to give rantop before feed or after feed... And one more thing is ranitidine n domeperidone safe in 2 months baby...I'm worried to give it or not...
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Baby crying alot

Dear doctor, My baby is one month old and since Yesterday he is crying alot don't know the reason he doesn't want to drink milk also .. whenever we tried to give FM or BM he cries soo hard that he does not want to stop at all .. We consult doctor he told to give domstal drop and colimex drop .. After givien also still he is not stop to cry.. Pls tell me what to do His weight is gaining as day before yesterday we went to clinic and check doctor told us everything is fine.. Pee/poo also doing well... Pls tell me the reason...pls
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Acid reflux and burping

Hi, Suddenly from yesterday night feeling dizziness and vomiting. Took domstal tablet, gor relief. But still.i feel light headedness and i tend to burp a lot whenever i eat/drink something. No.loose motion, its normal. Stomach feels very hot from inside sometimes. Please prescribe any med for me. Due to rising corona cases everywhere , not able to visit hospital also i have 7month daughter. Thank you
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My baby face(cheeks and eye lids)swollen

Respected sir /mam This is nagaraju Ch ,my baby(11th months) suffered with viral fever before 5 days,now  it is cured and fine(we used azithral and paracitomol and econorm for motions and domstal for vomitings )  .but what we are  observing her face swollen(cheeks and round the eyes i.e eye lids ) what may be the reason sir ? Iam attaching picture of same Thank you sir Nagaraju
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Fatty Liver

My father is Diabetic(current 200 With food)with high BP too.From last few days he is having vomit issue. After sonography and endoscopy we got to know about fatty liver, as treatment is in process. But even after taking medicines he is not getting any benefit in vomit. Medicines he is taking is Domstal, Lesuride with diabetes medicines too. Please suggest if he is taking right medicines , diet and way to have speedy recovery too. Please suggest ways to recover from fatty liver .
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Infant Colic and Reflux issues

2 months old baby boy suffering from severe reflux Anand colic issues. Can't sleep to well. Post feeding burp and keeping upright for 30-60 mins does not help. Stomach churning sounds and discomfort throughout the day. ColicAid, Neopeptine, Domstal has not been too effective. 100% mothers milk breastfed. Please advise. Thanks
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