Recently Answered Questions on Domstal


Urgent query

My toddler son had loose stools through the day and now he has been vomiting. He has vomited thrice and is very dull. We just returned from a vacation to the beach where he ingested some sea water on Sunday. He seemed fine after that. Then again today, on Tuesday, he had some water from the dog's bowl. I don't understand if he has got some stomach infection. It is late in the night and I am clueless about what to do! Have given him Rantac syrup and Domstal suspension. Can you please help?
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Constant vomiting

My baby is 4months old and weighs 6.2kgs. He is on mothers feed. He vomit the entire milk every time I feed him. It's not like he spit out or it happens rare. From last two and a half months he is doing the same. There is no improvement although I make him rest on my shoulder after every feed. He just spit out the entire milk he drank. I have tried emigo drops and now I am giving him domstal but I didn't find any improvement. Please do suggest me something which can help him to get rid of this condition.
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My 2 month old is not sleeping at all

My baby has stopped sleeping at all even during the day and night. He keeps wide awake and only sleeps for 5 mins max at a stretch. Due to this I am unable to sleep at all too and this is causing me anxiety and I am getting worried too. He forces himself to stay awake even though he looks sleepy. Is something wrong with him? Please suggest medication which can help him sleep He is currently taking (vitamin d3, coliced, mactase drops, domstal)
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GERD in 4 month old

Hello doc, My baby is getting gerd and cough oftenly (2 month once) , doing bottle feeding since baby didnt accept other methods and worsen the cough with open cup and spoon. After feeding keeping 20-25 mins upright position, how to avoid it.. As per doc suggestion given domstal syrup and if cough worsens doc prescribed levolin syrup
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Mucus with blood strain in baby stool

Hi, My Daughter is 1 year 4 month.. Having fever from last 2 days.. Yesterday morning she vomit once only..After That we rush to Dr and given zofix dry Syrup, Solvin LS and Centamol 125 and for Vomiting domstal baby 10 Drop. After that in eveng she pass some Mucus with Red strains... attaching Picture of that..after that she had a Normal sticky stool..but in morning again she pass mucus with little Blood Strain. Need to know what will be the reason and is it serious condition?
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7 months old baby GERD

Hello doctors, My Son is taking lanzol and domstal for his GERD, occassionally colic aid, suddenly from day before yesterday he stopped burping after milk feed ( formula).. I tried all the methods to burp, just no outcome and he burps 2 hours later with a big spitup.. he doesn't very for spit up.. he does burp for solids.. just not the milk.. what's seems to be the issue.. what can help him to burp.. His last checked weight is 7.78
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Vomitting after feeding

My 1month old preterm baby(35weeks delivery) is vomitting after feeding..the vomiting is milk or sometimes curd like thing..he is vomiting only if he is lied in bed..when we hold him long after feeding he is not vomiting.. he is demanding as usual every 2hour i have oversupply of worried is this vomitting is due to oversupply..but only the child is vomitting if he lied in bed..what to do can i give domstal to him..why this happens?
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My baby is 32 days old. She's taking SIMILAC stage 1. Now I'm giving her 60ml per feed because her stomach doesn't satisfy with 30ml. But today she's spitting up half of the milk she's drinking. Is it normal? I'm giving her domstal 5-6 drops. Please give some advice
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Fever cold slightly

My baby has fever 2 days back 100 went off. Vommitting 1 time. And loose motion1 time. Eyes water . Weakness food not eating properly half eating not at all active she is tired all the time. and  Again yesterday cold she has and fever . 100 . Actually giving crocine and domstal suspenion is it covid symptoms age2 ..
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Loose motions and vomitings

Hello doctor my son 10months old now. He doing white flaks like loose motions 2-3 times a day. He vomit everytime after feed. He refused to eat every food except brestmilk baby is active. He have 4teeth now teething cause motions and vomit. Iam using domstal syrup before feed. Since last 5 days how many days can i use it pls suggest me
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