Recently Answered Questions on Domstal


Fever, vomiting, body pain and motions

Hi, my niece is 4 year old. She is having mild fever yesterday with vomiting, body pain and motion. Night the fever increased to 102deg and morning she had motion . My niece had paracetamol syrup and a  1/4 th of domstal tablet yesterday night. From yesterday night she didn't had any food.
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Vomiting and poor weight gain

Hi my baby is 6 month old weight 3440(birth weight 1400)and he was preborn baby, he had an hernia operation 4 month before.  He vomits every feed and even ceralac also for that we  gave domstal, ondansetron oral solution, juniorlanzol tablet, rantac but no use. We consulted many doctors but no one found a solutions. scan, blood tests were taken all normal. pls help me
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Vomiting from last 4 days

Mh baby is 11.5 month old he is vomiting after breastfeeding and anything he used to drink or eat from last 4-5 days i consult with dr. And refer me Taxim-O forte dry syrup, Z & D Ds 20 syrup, domstal baby syrup and enterogermina spores suspension . But he is still not well please suggest me something for earlier relief. I will be very oblige to you
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Constant vomiting and gastric issue..

I have been suffering from high fever and gastric problem because of which I won't be able to eat anything and also Iam not feeling hungry to eat something. I had consulted with one of my nearby doctor for the treatment and she gave me some medicine to take on the daily basis two times in a day like domstal , ultd - Mt , dt-100 but since 3 days Iam taking all these medicine but still Iam suffering from the same problem. My financial condition is too weak so I need financial aid for the treatment
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My son is 1 yr 4 months completed baby..

My son is 1 yr 4 months completed baby.. From yesterday itself passed stool 3 times which was normal (semi solid). Whatever I'm given to eat he s vomiting.. Should I give domstal syrup? pls let me know the ml? Actutally I have no idea whether he gt stomach upset or sumthin pls do let me know wat happened to him. Tnx in advance.
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Burning sensation in stomach

I Have Burning sensation in stomach,Last 8 months.Upper GI Endoscopy Diagnosis/Comment DIFFUSE EROSIVE GASTRITIS.I have take NEKSIUM 40mg,3 Months(One tab daily in morning empty stomach), then after 3 months Sucral Suspension 1Gm three times daily before food for 2 months & Domstal(10mg) 1 tab twice daily before food for 6 weeks.
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Vomiting issues

From last 2days my father was facing motion prblm so I called the local doctor he checks & give him some medicine & u will be fine but still morning he was having pain. In morning motion happen to him.but his stomach is hard nd he is having some breathing issue.In afternoon onwards he is vomiting continueosly.i have given him Domstal also but nothing happen.So pls reply soon nd help me what should I do now?
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Vomiting Milk after vaccination

My son is 1.5 months old, he has been spitting up since day 1, since day 3 of his birth I started to give him breastfeeding only, no formula at all. After burping he use to spit curdled milk, after that 15 days ago he puked whatever he drank, some vomits were pure milk some were curdled but in more quantities, hence consulted doctor, he gave domstal baby drops and to give for 3 days, after vomitting stopped however now after 15 days again today he is puking whatever he is drinking. Pl advise PS : Yesterday we did his vaccinations, he got little fever, gave him calpol syrup as advised by doctor
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Green poop

My 10 months baby had fever 15 20 days before, along with vomiting. His poop was green and little loose/paste consistency that time. He is fine after medication prescribed by dr..was on antibiotics and domstal and lanzol. ...his poop colour is still green and he poops many times a day .. earlier it used to be brown to yellow and hard in consistency. He is now on vitamin d and iron drops. Is green poop a cause of concern now though other symptoms are not there, bcos dr suggested antibiotics also based on colour, thinking he might be having stomach infections based on symptoms i mentioned above. Please clarify.
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Fever, blocked nose and vomiting

My baby is 7 months old she was vomiting i gave her domstal 5drop for 3 time in a day and it stoped. But fever is coming frequently and nose is blocked. I used t98 paracetamol 5drops in 8hrs interval and nasocleaar for nose and for cold tminic syrup 5 drops but no result. My friend ask me to stop that syrup and use meftal p suspension for fever and kidpred for cold and ascoril d plus  but still no reault can i use this or should i consult doctor.
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