Recently Answered Questions on Domstal


Blocked nose

Hello sir.My son is 2 month old and he has blocked prescribed domstal(1.5 ml 3 times a day before feeding) and neopeptine(0.5 ml 3 times a day after feeding) .Is it safe to give these medicines?
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Typhoid fever weakness

I am 38 years old man. Detected typhoid and ESR 62 taking medicines from last 15 days still having mild fever around 99-99.5 and weakness.can I continue with medicines taxim o 400, domstal, do suggestion.....thanks
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Reflux, not gaining weigh

Hello doctor, My lo is 55 days now, her birth weight is 2.85, now she is 3.850, my pead had prescribed Domstal but not reduced puking. After each feed she pukes some milk & after some time she pukes curdish milk. Kindly help me out what can be done for weight gain,As she pukes milk she demands milk immediately Hence I am takeing lactare, also granules.
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Fever and loose motion with stomach ache

Dear Sir, My daughter has fever since last night She has symptoms like Stomach ache Fever and Loosmotions She is not taking food I have given her Crocin but not getting well please advise me... I have some medicine like Aristozyme Nam safe forte Orofer xt Zentel Ibugesic plus And domstal Can any of these medicines be helpful in this situation?
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Is it a stomach bug?

Hi, My baby is 4 months old. From last sunday she has mild fever and vomits curdled milk. Have a a doctor near by, he prescribed medicines such as ibugesic plus, zifi 100 and domstal. Nothing seems to be working as of now as fever and vomiting both stays. Please guide me with best way possible. Thanks
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Vomit after feeding

My baby is 1.5 month old but when she feeds formula milk some milk comes out from mouth.sometimes in low quantity sometimes more.we consult paedetrician they said weight is gaining so no problem.prescribed neopeptine drop ossopan d ultra d3 and domstal drop. But after that she vomits.please suggest what to do.
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Baby Vomiting

Baby had fever of 100° and was given crocin drops. Fever subsided in 3 days but, started vomiting on 4th day almost 3 times day ..vomit is mostly milk and mucus like...he is not interested in solid since fever started, even water, medicine has to be fed forcefully... I gave domstal, 3 times a day, but still vomited next day early morning(today)...what could be the reason for Kids  vomit even after taking long does it take to stop...he seems tired...but sometimes is active...i will visit clinic today by noon...but just wanted your observation, any suggestions
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Vomiting after every feed

My son is 12 weeks old. When he was 5 weeks old he started spitting up milk. My paediatrician prescribed Domstal suspension 1mg/ml. We used to give him Domstal when ever required but not regularly. But his vomiting did not stop. When we went for the 10th week vaccination, our paed increased the dose to 3 times a day. Still now he keeps on spitting up after every feed. But the unique thing since beginning is that he vomits only after breast feeding and not when he is top fed/formula fed. Sometimes he spits milk and sometimes curdish.. Please let me know what to do? And why is it that he vomits only after breast feeding and not after top feeding?
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Reflux problems

My 7 weeks baby spits up after each feeding. He is on formula from birth. Sometimes he vomits 2 times a day. After each feed he turns red and seems really uncomfortable and keeps grunting. He settles down after spitting 50% of the feed most of the time. He also poops only once in 3 days. What is the issue with him? He takes deskel, domstal, colic ed ez regularly
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Less Milk Supply

I have delivered baby 45 days ago and since then I am facing issue of less milk supply. My Doc advised me Domstal tablet (1-1-1) and Lactare tablet (2-2-2) for 7 days. Milk supply improved during that time but after 7 days again its less. For How long can i continue Lactare Tablet? Is there any side effects of Lactare Tablets? Please advise.
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