Recently Answered Questions on Divert


Mental distress and restlessness, depres

I am suffering from depression since past 1 and a half month. I feel restless, and stressed out. I am nomore happy and active person i used to be. I feel like crying and running away. I also get hypertension attacks when i am too angry. I have tried everything to focus and divert myself from the things that make me sad. I also tried doing things tht used to make me happy, but nothing is working. I was always a positive person, and have revovered from any kind of stress but this time somehow things are getting worse day by day, and i think i need a doctor now. Please help!
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Erection problem

I was having a great sex life from 2years but now I am suffering a problem that when I do intercourse in starting I get a strong erection but after sometime I loose my erection and when I finish my climax after that in 2nd time it takes a lot of time to get erect .But I suffered this problem not everytime ,sometime I dont loose erection​ . Actually I divert my mind from the sex for last long so may it be the reason ??? please can you suggest me what is the problem is it psychological or it's a disease plz suggest me sir . And can you give me some tips for last long
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Finger sucking (ring finger?

Hello all, My baby is 1 1/2 years old, is finger sucking(ring finger) while sleeping. There is a small gap in the top 2 teeth. For hunger and sleep indication, she used to do it. Also, in the middle of sleep she will suck it quite hard at times. Is it okay for this age, is that gap a concern? Also, how to divert the finger sucking. Will pacifier help? Will it help
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Unhappy and irritated all the time

I am irritated almost all the times. I don't even remember when was I happy the last Time. I try alot to divert myself and be happy but I am unable to be happy. I am getting irritable and venge out my anger on my children, husband and mother in law. I am getting very out of control. I am not willing to live anymore. I feel like ending up my life. Very disappointed with every aspect of life. I feel I have no relation which is good. Every relation is strained. There's nothing in life which is making me happy.
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Depression sonali ...Iam suffering from depression from so long now ...i consulted psychiatry last year and take medicines as per instructions but after some times it makes my mind slow and I'm a student so I stopped taking medicines and diverted my mind into study...but from this lockdown my thought process become so higher ...and I'm getting weird dreams and fear of snake and lizards...i am getting worst kind of thoughts whole day and night and can't get over it ...please suggest me any treatment regarding it...
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Painful first sex

Hi, Myself Ankita. We had first sex last night. It was 2 days after wedding. But it was painful. When he inserted inside i gave a loud moan. He had kept at the entrance of my vagina but later he diverted my mind & pushed inside. I had some bleeding. Later on wth some white discharge. He dint use condom. I don't want baby soon.
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Self harm.

I have a history of self harm. In last 5-6 years I kept it in control. I don't even keep anything sharp. Even my  kitchen knives are serrated. But in last one month I have started doing it again. I don't want to. I have old scars. And I have to keep them hidden all the time as it's embarrassing when people stare and start being judgemental. But if I don't do it, I feel like my heart will burst out. Physical pain helps my mind to divert it's attention and remain calm. What should I do
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I feel heartbroken for no reason.. I m crying without knowing why. I feel like I should take overdose of tablets and go unconscious so that I can get rid of this pain.i m deeply sad. I tried to divert my mind.but it's not working. I do get suicide thoughts. I feel i m worthless. I hate my life. There's none to love me. I had an abortion 2weeks ago. Even though my bf loves me a lot , I started feeling low Al of a sudden. There's nothing bad I suffering the depression?
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Anxiety always

I'm very stressed, even if I get a small wound or fever, cold or anything I start googling about it and I get freaked out. I'm not able to stop thinking negative. Because of this I'm not able concentrate on other things. Even a small wound I start googling which leads to diseases and I start worrying about it. I have started playing badminton to divert my mind. But still almost all the time I think about bad things. How can I get over this? Really worried.
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Failiure It is

I am doing my betch in computers I cannot think learn or study anymore I'm depressed most of the tym And I always want to run from the circumstances i develop in order to get peace I'm worried about my future as its just a matter of a semester when my placements will be started and I have done near to nothing I just want something to get me focoused out of everything amd not get diverted at all I'm tired of being this way and I want to change i want to make a difference plz hlp me if u can
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