Recently Answered Questions on Divert


Health Anxiety

I had a bladder problem, where my urine was not coming out. I went to a doctor and I got myself checked and the problem went away. But after that I have been thinking about peeing all the time, the experience left a huge impact on me. And whenever I think about peeing, I get this sensations which are very annoying and it's become really hard for me to concentrate and do anything properly. It's all in my head, how do I stop thinking about it? I tried diverting my mind and doing all the things that one can. I would love to hear what can I do?
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Can I take vaccine attaching ecg

Took hcq400 one tablet got palpitations, then PACs on ecg, admitted for covid treatment in hospital however I was asymptomatic but got full treatment with all medicines, now it's been 8 months and took another ecg and got borderline ecg, my symptoms right now are thuds while lying down which go away if I learn something or divert completely can I go for second dose of vaccine ? Ecg attached
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Irritated and unhappy all the times

I am irritated almost all the times . I don't even remember when I was happy the last time. I try a lot to divert myself and be happy but I am unable to be happy. I am getting irritable and venge out my anger on my children, husband and mother in law. I feel guilty for doing so all the time.  I am getting very out of control. I am not willing to live anymore. I feel like ending up my life. Very disappointed with the every aspect of life. I feel I have no relation which is good.every relation is strained. There's nothing in life which is making me happy
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Mentally disturbed

Feeling extremely disturbed in mind..always a health related anxiety significantly reduce the quality of my life...varieties of symptoms... always a conflict/doubt in mind between real or anticipating thought/feelings ...extreme discomfort in head....severe fatigue...cant concentrate...cant divert mind from myself...feeling helpless..worry, panic, anxiety, restlessness...cant fix mind...Visited psychiatrist..medicines going on..Please help.
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Chronic pain in joints areas

Last few weeks, I'm having this pain in my joint areas like - under the knee, the elbows, the joints in my fingers, the ankle. It is more like a discomfort. All I feel like doing is jerk my legs or twist my ankle, but that doesn't seem to help. It becomes so unbearable that at times, I can't sleep at night. The only way I can stop it is if I can successfully divert my attention to something else. I am not sure if it's exactly in the joints or the surrounding area with ligaments or the muscles around it. I used to have this problem since the time I was a kid, but it had stopped - last couple of years, I didn't have to suffer from this. Now, it has come back. I would like to know what causes this? And how can I stop this once and for all?
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Burning after urination

I drink 2-3litres if water a day. I can't drink more, because I am prone to frequent , uncontrollable urination. When I feel to pee, I have to rush to washroom diverting my mind. Else, it's unstoppable. While and after urinating I feel burning sensation in my urethral opening. I am taking homeopathic medicines for sinusitis. I have started drinking one coconut water daily. Sugar level is 88.
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Hyper tension

I'm suffering from personal problem. This is affecting me too much I couldn't work properly, can't eat, Can't sleep, can't divert my mind. I feel so depressed and down. Always feel like weeping, want to cry loudly and beat myself. After all, I want to commit a suicide. Always feel my brain and head heavy can't even open my eyes. Experiening heart pain and chest pain most of all the day. Can't to breath properly. I don't know what is this. What should I do? Or to whom I may consult
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Imagination of someone & hearing voices

Hello madam/sir my sister is facing a problem which is ,she is feeling something around her and hearing some warning,scolding voices near her ear when no one is around her.she is imagining someone face staring at her (in pity manner) suddenly and again the face getting dissappeared after few seconds.This type of things were happening mostly when she is alone.when she tries to divert herself by using phone, she hears some voices whispering near her ear.
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A distress call

I feel very anxious all the time. I've tried to divert my attention and tried many things. They don't help. Some days I feel less restless and some days more. HIgh BP and mindlessness My life is all good and healthy, I can't explain my problem to anyone. Is there something that I can do for myself, or is this going to last forever?Nothing is giving me happiness. In fact, I feel I've lost all my emotions. Very intense mood swings. . Not enthusiastic about anything. Highly anxious
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Concentration deficit

My child who is 8yrs old is not very attentive in her studies.. she diverts her master by not listening and looking here and there who visit home to teach her. Kindly suggest how dis issue is to tackled... She takes advantage on her granny and not gvn respect to her.. I hv told her wit love.sge asks sorry but d next time she repeats the same. Advic
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