Recently Answered Questions on ALGIC-MR



Respected sir, i am 25 year old, i have MILD MVP+.TRIVIAL MR. MITRAL - PEAK VEL M/SEC= VE 0.8, VA 0.5. REGURGITATION =TRIVIAL AORTIC -PEAK VEL M/SEC= 1.0. REGURGITATION = -PEAK VEL M/SEC= 1.0. REGURGITATION =NO TRICUSPID- REGURGITATION =MILD PULMONARY=PEAK VEL M/SEC= 0.8 CONCLUSION= MILD MVP+.TRIVIAL MR please advice me sir. is this called normal.? is this dangerous for future? sir please please advice can i live normal life?
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Zeredol Mr equivalent medicine in USA

On behalf of my husband prescription I am asking this question . He got prescribed Zeredol me and we we are finding an equivalent medicine in USA . Will ibuprofen 800 mg will be a substitute for Zeredol Mr ? Please advise
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Reg governments MR vaccination drive

I wanted to know if the MR vaccine is different from MMR vaccine we give routinely. Please explain if taking this vaccine will need to be followed up with any booster. Also, can this be taken privately?
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MVP mild mr

I have MVP with mild mr and doctor prescribed cipla la 20 mg for heart palpitations (irregular heartbeat) for 2 weeks and after today consultation doctor tell me that use cipla only your heart beating fast is it ok to stop cipla and eat only while heart beating fast
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Infection afer mr vaccine

My baby boy is 10 month old now .last month 5th april he has got mr vaccine.after 5 days the area got red and when i went to doctor told me there was pus infection and he prescribed amoxcyllyn antibiontic for 8 days and ask to use noxof cream.three times pus come out automatically again getting pus at the same area.what should i do now?
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Flavedon MR side effects

My father is 87 years old. He has undergone angioplasty 4 years back. Recently an ECG report shows mild bradycardia. Cardiologist has prescribed Flavedon MR, after taking this medicine , he is sleeping the whole day and has slight vertigo. Is it advisable to continue the medicine?
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MR scan during periods?

Hi, I have been advised by my Ortho to do a MR scan LS spine with whole spine screening for my backache and I was suppose to get it done today, however I just got my periods. Is it advisable to do MRI while periods or wait until the bleeding stops? Any side effects. Please advise.
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MVP grade 1 . Trivial Mr

Is AML prolapsed. Trivial MR. MVP grade 1 curable permanently by homeopathy. My ecg and tmt report normal but echo finding is aml proplased trivial Mr. Final diagnosis MVP grade I. Trivial Mr is this Heart condition curable permanently by homeopathy.
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Repeat usage of MR kit for 2nd time

Hi my GF took the MR kit for first time 2 months ago and had a successful termination. Now she is pregnant again. Is it safe to repeat the MR Kit if so what is the pros and cons?
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Trivial TR and MR

Dear Doctor, I'm 33 years old man, I often get some discomfort in upper left chest. I went to a cardiologist and took all relevant tests. My ECHO, ECG and TMT were normal. And doctor concluded it should be a muscular pain. Also I have vitamin D3 deficiency and they prescribed me tablets for that. Also doctor suggested me to lose some weight since I fall under over weight category. My question is all though everything looks normal it was mentioned in my ECHO report like trivial tricuspid regurgitation and trivial mitral regurgitation. I asked doctor about this he said it is not cause of concern. But I'm little worried. What do they mean by trivial TR and MR??? kindly answer me. Will this condition progress and get severe in future?
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