Recently Answered Questions on ALGIC-MR


Cannabis + Flexon MR regular use.

A friend got pain meds from india. (where she lives) They are called Flexon MR and are a combination of ibuprophen, paracetamol & Chlorzoxazone. She also smoke marrijuana quite regularly and I was worried it could cause liver damage or other serious damage. Except for the things I read online about prescribed medicine and marrihuana are there any serious risk related to the combination of these two drugs.
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MR Vaccination for 3 year old

There are MR Vaccination camps going on in the city of Bengaluru this month. My son is 3 years old. Have already administered the 1st MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) dose to my son at his age of 1.5 year. As per the immunization schedule, it should be given at an age 4 to 5 years or before school. Should we administer the dose again now or wait for next year? If yes, at govt. hospital or private? Thank you.
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Rhd with serve mr

Sir my father suffering with RHd with serve MR. His problem started with leg pain about 5 month ago.then he was feeling pain in all joints. He has taken medicine for pain. About 4 month ago he got fever with feeling cold. Befor 1 month he got admitted in hospital for fever and breathlessness. He had taken treatment for infection in body. Sir plz tell me wht is the actual conditional of my father and wht can i do. Now presently he is admit in hospital for 02 value replacement.
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I have been suffering from chest pain continuously..ECHO test report impression Mild MVP WITH TRIVIAL MR
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Marfanoid habitus MVP mild mr

I have marfanoid habitus mvp mild mr my aorta us normal but is there a chance to affect my aorta or it will be no cause for aorta and I have mild MVP so for marfanoid patients the MVP will become severe or it will stay same
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Alternative of Etova MR 400 tablet

Hi Doctors, what could be an alternative for Etova MR 400 tablet ? This tablet is a combination of two salts and it is hardly available in even small cities. Please suggest something similar, available and effective tablet. Thanks a lot.
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Advice to Mr Dharmik Patel on his reply

This is a thanksgiving to Mr. Dharmik Patel for seeing a bright future in anthropology for me but I don't see your bright future in medicine. Gain some more experience and then come forward to spew the verbal diarrhea. As a non medico my question may show immaturity and not be genuine but your answer to that shows how bright your future is medicine. I forgot to add for thing, if there a lot of mosquitoes in your vicinity then plz be privileged to serve them with your blood bcoz after having that they will eventually die. It's bcoz of doctors like you that other good doctors are getting a bad name.
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MR-1 should redo with MMR-1

Hello Doctor, My son age is 1 year, 10 months. As per the vaccination schedule- vaccinated MR-1 from government and MMR-2 from private. Should I again need to vaccine MMR -1 for my son as 1st time he got only MR-1. As some instagram doctors are saying increasing measles cases mostly in Hyderabad. Please suggest. Thank you.
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Flex MR tablet and sudden pain

Hello aaj maine bada gadda uthaya tha to mera shoulder bahot pain kr raha hai can I take flex MR in peroid plz help me guys it's urgent
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Hello Doctors, I have MVP WITH GRADE 1 MR Since 2016 Dec diagnosed. Report is attached. Another echo report is taken in 2019 SEP and the same is attached. In just one month after the recent diagnosis., I started feeling palpitations and heartbeat faster, pain in chest and back side of chest,,especially left side shoulder blades. I have Fybromyalgia and insomnia and using medication for the same....Is it due to this all the above and below symptoms I have or due to MVP MVR? I continuously have dizziness, fainting feeling, muscle tightness, lack of concentration, full body to come out of all this troubles. ? Kindly advise. I saw 2 jets in MVR .. what does it means? How jets is dangerous?
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