Common Conditions


Pug itching on face

My pug in continuously itching on her face and ears. Constantly licking her paws. Her paws have got red. Her vet told us to give her cetrizine. But it didn't help. Now what should we do? Is there any cure for this allergy?
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My pet dog is shedding hair and he is 3 months old and sleeps on the same bed I am having itching everywhere on my body Please check is it possible of pet allergy ?
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Food for puppy

What kind of food should I give to my 3 month old golden retriever intstead of dog food all the time
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Drink more water and more urine pass

My 9 year gsd drink more water and doing more toilet after infection on scrotum, give only single tablet cefpet no other medicine use ( no injection) is this normal or not and this condition start after infection
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Rabid dog behaviour

Hello I have 2 vaccine for rabies previous week now going to take my 3 dose tomorrow. Yesterday I happen to be exposed to a street dogs saliva in my eyes tried ( JUST TEARS DROPS AFTER ) Dog was one among the group of dogs ... Not seperated from other dogs ..just barking while seeing humans  didn't even try to bite anyone looked to be having a controlled behaviour like other dogs . Will my vaccine save me if saliva is rabid and I'm also planning to take the vaccines from private hospital from 4 th and 5th dose will it affect the efficiency of antibodies supply and give me side effects ?? From the animals perspective does rabid dog socialise with other strays like friends .the dog that I encountered was with his friends (other dogs) How does the dogs behave when it has rabies??
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Antibody test

I have recently completed my rabies vaccination from a govt hospital ... for how long will I be having the immunity ? Some people say that govt hospitals have ineffective vaccine .. so I just wanted to check for my immunity ... what test should I have to go for ? I completed my vaccination on yesterday 17  September  they gave me 4 vaccines ... after how many days can I go for the immunity check ? Should I be worried about the vaccine given in govt hospitals ? Is it possible to get rabies if my broken pimple gets contact with cloth recently got exposed to dogs saliva like about 10 mins before ??
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Female beagle passing blood while urinat

Hi Doctor My beagle is 4 years old . Haven't done mating or surgery . She hasn't got her period for more than 8 months and seeing blood while urinating. Pls advice
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Street dog scratched

A street dog came running to me and scratched my hand. It was not too deep, but some blood came out initially. I have cleaned it with soap and dettol, Do I need to get rabies injection or not ?
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Dog ate polyester stuffing

My pug (female 5yrs old) ate very small quantity of polyester stuffing while playing with the toy. Can it be dangerous? What should I do?
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Rabies shot

A day before I gave rabies shot to my dog..after almost 24 hrs she started doing black poo 💩? And now it's she did white yellowish vommit twice ? What should I do...there is no local vet available here...if anyone can help me ? Please
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