Common Conditions


About monkey bite

An old person was bitten by a monkey ... After 3 hrs that person made my son eat her leftover food ...also spit on my son's hand Gave leftover food without any vaccination Spited after haved 1 rabbies injection Kindly tell me what to do...I m worried about my son...any advice?
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6 month old Maltipoo

Mixed breed (Maltese and a poodle) We've received mixed inputs from different vets about how much to feed my puppy.. They said to reduce four meals to three meals. And feed him 180 GMs of food per day! And another vet said to keep feeding till he's licking the bowl.. Is that right? Are we under feeding or over feeding? His current weight is 5.6 kg and he's 6 months old
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Rabbit got 2 spots on her neck

M y rabbit is arround 3 years old. From last 2 days she got 2 spot on her neck, its like the hair on that specific area is completely came out but there is no swelling or pus. She allows us to touch, so can't understand if she has any pain. And the other rabbit (female only) keeps licking her that spot. Can you please suggest what it could be and how to treat? Please refer the attached pic.
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Dog's outside eye pink

The eyesight of my dog is pink...any ointment or medicine 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.. please help ne...can I apply kiskin???
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My Gsd haven't urinate from morning

Today I took my German shepherd 5 months old to my mother's house first time . After 9 am it haven't passed urine.when he saw my brother in excitement he passed urine little around 1 o clock .it's 3 o clock now he haven't passed urine .is it normal
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My friend has a  female golden retriever, its a very gentle , non aggressive dog and quite fond of biting things . I accidentally got my elbow  scratched from her tooth while playing with her , its not bleeding and the area is red and there's no pain in the area , Should i go for vaccination ?
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Rabies Incubation

I was bitten by a dog 4-5 years back. I did not take rabies vaccine then . I have read that rabies can strike after many years of bite too Do i need to worry about this Should i take vaccine now to rule out any risk
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Chance of Rabies from a dog who is alive

We adopted a street dog in January, he was 1 month old and unvaccinated. In march i was playing with him and his tooth gave me a little scratch on hand and little blood less than a drop came. I washed it with water but didn't take vaccine. In April while playing his tooth gave a small cut on my hand and i took three vaccine. Its been 7 months now and my dog is very healthy. I am in depression right can i have rabies. Please consult.
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Puppy bite

I recently bought a puppy lab he is 50 days old and we have started his vaccination he bites a lot and most of the time blood comes i am taking anti rabies as a precaution I have taken the third dose on 21, also I checked with the breeder and the parents were vaccinated as well am I still at risk for rabies?
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Immunity check for rabies

I took my rabies vaccine 2 months ago ...I wanted to check my immunity... so planning to gor for a check I have attached test name below ..can I go for this test ??
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