Recently Answered Questions on STATIN


Increased in triglycerides

Hi in my recent test my triglycerides has been increased from 200 to 300. I am currently using rosuvas 10mg and recently my new doctor has prescribed rosuvas f 20. So kindly suggest me if I should start using only rosuvas f 20 from now ? Or shall I continue using it with rosuvas 10 mg along with. Also is there any side effects of increased statins in body ?
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Tablets for cholestrol and bloodthinner

Does one need blood thinner if they are under medication of statin?? My father cholestrol levels are LDL - 149 Total cholestrol - 210 Triglycerides - 124 Hdl - 39 I went for 2 consultations .. one recommended juprios A tablet and another one suggested Lipikind 10. What should I do ?? Please explain
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Diabetic nephropathy

Is Nefrosave tablet good for people with proteinuria? My HbA1C is 8.5 and BP is 145/90. GFR is 83 and creatine is 0.9. I am taking ramipril, statin, gliptin, metformin and insulin already. I have diabetes from 25 years and doctor recently advised to add Nefrosave.
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Lipid profile

My lipid profile: total cholesterol 123 triglyceride 143 ldl 70 hdl 30 vldl 23 chol hdl ratio 4.1 Is my triglyceride high? How to increase HDL? May I need any statin medicines? My blood pressure is normal 120/80.
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High cholesterol

Im suffering from high cholesterol problem since long time, taking statins, want to change to ayurveda medication totally. Report Total colestorol 300 Ldl 250 Hdl 40 Trigliserides 200 Aprox a month back, pls advise.
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Tryglercide problem

I am from himachal pradesh and my age 37 and my weight is 67kg my tryglercide is usually 270 tp300 and cholestrol is 200 some doctors says I will have to take medicine through out life some refuses to take medicine I usually do exercise and yoga I am totally confused what should I do it is said continueslly taking medicine have negative effect because statin used
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Chest pain

Pain at left side over the breast with etching, sometime the pain in middle, right side, back, neck, shoulder, right arm, jaw and throat. Have done ECG, ETT, Echo and everything comes normal but some elevation in Pulmonary hypertension of measuring 26, which doctor say may be for smoking. I take esomaprazole, statin regularly but the pain persist. what to do
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Best time to eat psyllium husk(cholestro

I am a 30 year old.i am controlling my cholestrol lvls via lifestyle changes and diet because statins gave me terrible side effects. What will be the correct time to get max benefit by eating psyllium husk to control cholestrol induced via diet if you are eating restaurent dinner?
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Very high ldl-c

I am 30 years old.. my ldl-c & tg values came 200 & 254 respectively.. my hdl-c is 45.. 8 months back ,1 year back, my ldl-c was 160 & TG was around 200..but I didn't take any medicine.. now it has raised to high levels. Should I start statins ?. I am going on a trip for 2 wks in 2 days time .. can I wait till I come back from my trip or should I immediately strat statins after consulting s physician? No significant family history.. my father & mother  taking atorvastatin 10 .. no other major cardiac history in family
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LDL cholestrol

My LDL cholestrol increased to 199 and VLDL to 35, HDL 53 and  Total cholestrol 222 in my latest lipid profile test in May23. In Jan23 my LDL cholestrol was 146, VLDL was 18 and total cholestrol was 196. Can I reduce my cholestrol by lifestyle improvement or will I have to take statins?
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