Recently Answered Questions on STATIN


High cholestrol arjuna

I have high cholestrol ldl but I am a low blood pressure group person and statins have very bad side effects(muscule,energy issues) on me ..can i take arjuna capsules or other ayurvedic medicine to lower ldl without any side effects?(esp on blood pressure,muscules,energy)
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Doc refusing to putting me on medicine

I am a 44 /woman. Been battling high choles. for a few years. Tried to control with diet & exercise (vegan for 1 yr & only brought down to 210). 1st round of statin brought down to 202 but my triglyc. went up so they removed me from statin & asked me to give diet & exercise a try again. No longer vegan but do eat pretty healthy & very busy person. current weight/125 & 5'3". Last lipid was chol. 269 / Trigly. 1,611. Doc said he wants me to eat healthy & repeat test in 6 mths. Is this normal
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Cholestrol medicine is not suiting me

My age is 42 years today and I have undergone CABG at the age of 40. I am having cholesterol level very high and taking 10 mg Statin from last 2 years. From last few months I am facing paid in my ribs and heart area . Doctor has checked my lipid and some test and found Total cholesterol = 162 ; TGT = 88 ; LDL = 103 ; VLDL = 18 ; SGPT = 72.60 ; CPK = 522 ; He immediately stopped my cholesterol medicine (statin) and i am not taking medicine since last 5 months and I shifted to Aryuvedic
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Cholesterol lowering medicine

Dear Sir/Madam, I have high LDL cholesterol (166) for which doc prescribed Rosuvas F 10 tab. But many are saying if I start statins ...I have to take for the rest of my life ( instead they are suggesting diet/exercise). Is it true if I start taking starin, I have to continue for the rest of my life ?
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Increased in triglycerides

Hi in my recent test my triglycerides has been increased from 200 to 300. I am currently using rosuvas 10mg and recently my new doctor has prescribed rosuvas f 20. So kindly suggest me if I should start using only rosuvas f 20 from now ? Or shall I continue using it with rosuvas 10 mg along with. Also is there any side effects of increased statins in body ?
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Tablets for cholestrol and bloodthinner

Does one need blood thinner if they are under medication of statin?? My father cholestrol levels are LDL - 149 Total cholestrol - 210 Triglycerides - 124 Hdl - 39 I went for 2 consultations .. one recommended juprios A tablet and another one suggested Lipikind 10. What should I do ?? Please explain
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Diabetic nephropathy

Is Nefrosave tablet good for people with proteinuria? My HbA1C is 8.5 and BP is 145/90. GFR is 83 and creatine is 0.9. I am taking ramipril, statin, gliptin, metformin and insulin already. I have diabetes from 25 years and doctor recently advised to add Nefrosave.
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Lipid profile

My lipid profile: total cholesterol 123 triglyceride 143 ldl 70 hdl 30 vldl 23 chol hdl ratio 4.1 Is my triglyceride high? How to increase HDL? May I need any statin medicines? My blood pressure is normal 120/80.
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High cholesterol

Im suffering from high cholesterol problem since long time, taking statins, want to change to ayurveda medication totally. Report Total colestorol 300 Ldl 250 Hdl 40 Trigliserides 200 Aprox a month back, pls advise.
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Tryglercide problem

I am from himachal pradesh and my age 37 and my weight is 67kg my tryglercide is usually 270 tp300 and cholestrol is 200 some doctors says I will have to take medicine through out life some refuses to take medicine I usually do exercise and yoga I am totally confused what should I do it is said continueslly taking medicine have negative effect because statin used
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