Recently Answered Questions on STATIN


High cholesterol

Previously 9 months back found diabetes and high triglycerides and LDL then reduced in 3 months to a good level by taking statin , diet and excersice as doctor prescribed now again all levels increased  triglycerides- 257 , LDL - 141 , HDL - 40 , VlDL - 50 , TCH HDL ratio - 5.3 so again started taking rosuvas 5mg without consulting doctor now for two days im having shoulder and neck pain can any one please advice for the next action , is need to take ECG ??
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Homeopathy and cholestrol

My mother recently tested cholestrol and total cholestrol- 338 , ldl- 205 , triglycerides -195 And hdl - 40 . Stressfull life environment with no regular exercise but do household job rigorously on daytime also no special diet rescritions. With this stage which is better intiating statin in allopathic method or any homeopathic medicine that aggressively lower the cholestrol to reduce further cardiovascular risk ?
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Post covid blood sugar

My mother's fasting blood sugar came as 125, hba1C came 6.7 She is taking Metformin 500 mg twice a day for about a month now. Just want to check if we need to change her medicine ? Also, her lipid profile shows high triglycerides level of 234. Please suggest if statins need to be started at this level and if we should consult a cardiologist.
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Covid vaccine

Hello all, I'm having pulsatile tinnitus for the past two years. I have taken MRI scan which came out clear, second opinion from a neurosurgeon suggested that I may have venous sinus stenosis and told me to take MRV scan. In addition to these, I have Vitamin D deficiency and high cholesterol (on statin). With all these condition, is it safe to take covishield vaccine? I know it might sound silly, but having read the blood clots issues of AstraZeneca covishield, it makes me a little scary for vaccine since I may have stenosis.
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High pulse rate (heart rate)

I have recovered from COVID 10 days ago and from last 1week my pulse rate is consistently more that 100 except in few times and also had mild chest pain. Recently I get ECG & 2D Echo and both are normal and also tested for Lipid profile. LDL is 150 Triglycerides: 235. And sometimes BP is normal and sometimes it's 140/70. Should I worry about high cholesterol and if start Statins then can I stop after 2-3 months? Kindly suggest. Thanks
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Angina vs panic disorder

I take oha & statin regularly. I feel left shoulder & arm discomfort,mild discomfort in breathing only from emotional stress.My tmt is positive but ct coronary is normal. Doctor prescribes betablocker assuming angina related issue. But it doesn't help me lot. Now i am taking sretralin25 daily. I am now fine ie most of the symptoms free. Does it prove that it was anaxity related? Can i stop now beta blockers as it causes low bp?
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My lipid profile is as follows in mg/dl S. Total cholestrol -216.0 S.triglycerides -106.0 S.ldl-162.8 S-hdl-32 S.vldl -21.2 Chol/hdl chol ratio-6.8 Ldl chol/hdl chol ratio-5.1 Shall i take statin.??
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High cholestrol and tingling sensation

Suffering from restlessness and lack of appetite from last 60 days. Gising of pregablin and amitriptyline 10 mg .No satisfactory cholesterol is 235,tryglisarides 320. Ldl direct 137 Used atrova statin 40 mg . Muscle pains had come then stopped suggest a good medicine for cholesterol and for tingling sensation in feet
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Muscles Pain / Tiredness / Lost Focus

I am taking crestor 40MG and Ezetrol 10 Mg, my cholesterol results are as follows: Total Cholesterol: 4.25 LDL: 2.5 HDL: 093 Triglyceride 1.82 All are in MMOL/l unit, I want to reduce statins, i feel fatigue, most probably muscle pain, tiredness, lost focus. Did CPK was 312, and ECG was fine.
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Higher cholesterol level

Hi I have higher cholesterol levels 267 and ldl 180 but hdl is also 60.59, I had tried statins that reduces cholesterol but I experienced side effects on sexual health like erection problems hence I discontinued, whatever diet or exercise I do the least cholestrol level achieved is 234 Please let me know any good medication without side effects or any natural remedy I had used rosave 10 but it caused frequent urination for me but no sexual side effects Thanks Abhijit Baokar
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