Recently Answered Questions on STATIN



I have been having upset stomach and loo problems for a week. I went for USG and LFT. My LFT all normal but SGPT is 89 and USG says hepatomegaly with fatty infiltration and mild fatty changes in pancreas. I'm obese and non alcoholic. I take BP and statins medicines Is something serious like cirrohsis or cancer ?
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Final CT angiography report

Attaching my father a CT angiograpghy report . He is on hypertensive medicine and statins. He just felt a sensation in his chest so we got ecg and echo done . Echo was normal ecg showed sinus rhythm and abnormal t wave. So got CT ANGIO. Please advise
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Burning and tingling in feets and hands

I have burning  or sometimes tingling sensation in hands and feets from past couple of months. My Hb1ac, creatine, thyroid, vit b12 and vit D is normal...I have high triglycerides for which am on statins and on Montek BL for my Copd...Could it be the medication which is causing this or is it something else?
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Vertigo and headache

My mother is 56 years old ..she is on statins and blood thinners for the last 5 years she is having vertigo sometimes while laying and complains of headache...her cholesterol is under normal limit except hdl which is 33...she is having a little difficulty in speech and with vision it because of low hdl or there can be a blood clot in her brain?
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High cholesterol

I got tested for lipid profile for first time in my life ...I have a 8 month old baby..the results came total 216,ldl-150, hdl-44 and triglycerides -240... doctor prescribed me 10mg statin...can I take it during breastfeeding?
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Persistent high cholestrol

My dad is 51 years old, in march 2021 he was diagnosed with high cholestrol Hdl : 247 , ldl :168 He was given statins for a duration. Last week he got tested again and still has same cholestrol level Hdl : 247 ldl : 170 What could be the reason?
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Shooting pain left side chest under the

I am having shooting pain left side chest radiating to under arm what should i do is it caee of concern cuz my triglycerides was 295 10 days before and doc put me on statins and faty liver medicines should i take disprin is it a emergency or normal gastric type pain
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Regarding cholesterol

Hi Sir's My family physician prescribed me statin to control my colesterol. But as per the report it's seems in mornal range. But why my doctor prescribed ? Should I take it ??? I have Hypertension and taking concor 5 AM to control my hypertension.. and it's in control after taking concor.. but somewhere I am confused to take cholesterol lowering drugs in this age.. I am only 27 year Old.
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Can statin increase creatinine levels ?? Doctor has recommended atorvastatin 20mg ..last 3months ago creatinine was 1.0... now it's 1.18. please help. Is this level high 1.18.?? How much it should be?? Can decrease in power of atorvastatin reduce creatinine levels??
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BP keeps fluctuating

My husband is on Blood pressure medication and on statins. Mostly his BP remains in 130's. Its been two day he quit smoking, BP was 147/96. He usually gets back ache for bad sleeping posture. Today also he got. Any guidance please🙏
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