Recently Answered Questions on SADIC


Just in a sad state

Off late I am just too sad. I am dealing with a lot of stuff at work, at home (household chores and baby) with minimal confidence boost from my husband
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Low mood n sadness.

I have been sufferring from low mood n feeling of sadness since 6 months. I unexpectedly failed in my university exam of 3rd year, i was nervous to face people or prepare for reexam. I thought it is a phase but even after clearing the reexams, i feel no improvement in my mood n sadness n moodswings. Most importantly, i am unable to study anymore.
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Sadness,low feeling

Hi Sir, Iam suffering with sadness because of love failure basically my girlfriend got married 6 months back other person,still iam thinking about her. I did not control my mind again again thinking and sad about her.Still I am feeling I want her.I unable to face this situation. I did concentrate my future I am feeling low. She said breakup but iam still love her.But she got married but iam unable control emotions with her. How can I face this situation please tell me Sir. How can I think to get better future.
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Constantly feeling sad

From past 2 years, I have not been feeling good about myself. I do not have interest in doing anything. I'm feeling guilty most of the time. I feel i just dont fit into this world. I have lot of problems with my friends which I think is the reason for my sadness. I've been getting suicidal thoughts. I also did not get a job. That is also making me sad. I have disturbed sleep at night. I've also noticed that I'm eating less quantity than I usually do. Plea provide help.
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Depression, sadness, anxiety

21 yes old male, I've been depressed and sad for a long time now, my ex ended a 21 months old relationship and Im always sad, anxious or depressed. I am still a student and I want to work towards my career, be good for my parents and myself, but I have completely lost focus. Can't spend more than 1000 bucks cause I'm not earning yet. Please help
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Sadness in 35th week of pregnancy

I am into third trimester of pregnancy and small things make me emotional and i cry sometimes while I miss my family and think about birth, child and all delivery process. Why I feel so emotional during this time. Does my sadness and crying affect baby in the womb .
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Constant feeling of sadness

Constant feeling of sadness and excessive crying . always feeling negative and overthinking alot . constantly judging myself , losing interest in day to day activities , not able to concentrate , forgetting things easily , feeling a bit hopeless .
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Feeling of sadness, anger, hopeless

Hi, I am constantly feeling low. Gets irritated easily and feels sad for getting angry. lost my father recently. Feels like shouting out loud. Feels like running away
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Feeling sad and tense

Feeling sad lack of energy due to stock market crash and half of my money in due to stock market fall. Also feling hepless for furture due to corona virus crisis
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Not happy with life always sad

Constantly I feel that I'm not happy with my life I m always sad worried and I have boyfriend so we fight alot and I doubt him I don't trust n take stress about my relationship I am deeply involved in him but not happy
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