Recently Answered Questions on SADIC


Constant Sadness and pain

I feel sad, weird pain, heaviness everyday and every minute . I feel like to cry attimes for no reason . I feel worthless, and feel like life should end .
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Sad mood and no self confidence

I was taking medicines for dipression and anxiety for long time and was feeling better for sometime but now I feel sad and worried again. I am not able to do things proper way.
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Some time feel sad and some time happy

Sometimes I feel sad and no concentration on work without any reason,  before 2 months ago I had panic attack but now ok no problem with panic but why this feeling I am facing,  I didn't use any medication for panic attack,  Now what should I do
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Feeling sad, mad and scared

I'm afraid of facing other people. I also get sad and scared for no reason. I lost my mom when I was 10 and I was with her during the accident. I was also abused by a family member and I feel as though life has been unfair to me.
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Stress depression sadness

Am always bored my day is ruled by doing nothing but I have job and I have to go to college but am doing nothing after my brake up my day is full of stress and depression and sadness. I can't do nothing I can't even motivate do any wrk am like nothing always like paused
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Started seeing sad videos

Hii doctor , my boyfriend has suddenly started seeing sad videos and emotional things . And even he does not sleeps at night he watches these videos all day long
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Constant feeling negative, sadness

I feel inferiority because of my short height, ugliness, poverty, insecured family. So I feel sad every time and think so much negatively.please help me
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Short term sadness

Could anybody please tell me some pill or some drug which can help me to instantly feel better when I'm sad? I dont want regular pills. I just need them when I'm depressed only for a short while.
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Continuously feeling sad and hopeless

Continuously feeling sad and hopeless. No motivation, sleeping too much. Cannot seem to find anything that really makes me happy. Loneliness. Irritated and angry at the slightest. Can definitely feel not the same person as before.
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Sadness, Indifference, Overwhelmed

I cant actually explain what problem i have right now. It's really tough to do that. But I just have this feeling of sadness all the time. I've been having anxiety attacks too.
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