Recently Answered Questions on SADIC


Sadness , tensed behaviour,overthinking

I have being experiencing a period of overthinking , sadness and tensed behaviour, i have been taking dronis 30 since january 2017 for irregular periods , is it a side effect? Should i stop taking the drug. Will the withdrawl of drug could stop these symptoms ?please advice me
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Psychological - Sadness, stress and anxi

I have been having some psychological issues for a few months since my marriage... I keep over thinking and take a lot of stress.... Sometimes there's a feeling of anxiety and fear... And I am sad most of the time
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Felling irritated and little sad most of

Felling frustrated and little sad most of time , unable to concentrate, unable to relax , irritating feeling in mind all the time
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Am I depressed or just sad?

I just want to know if I'm depressed or sad. I've had headaches very often and body aches for no specific reason I can't handle the stress I'm being through it 'll be very helpful if you would help me out
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Constant Sadness and pain

I feel sad, weird pain, heaviness everyday and every minute . I feel like to cry attimes for no reason . I feel worthless, and feel like life should end .
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Sad mood and no self confidence

I was taking medicines for dipression and anxiety for long time and was feeling better for sometime but now I feel sad and worried again. I am not able to do things proper way.
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Some time feel sad and some time happy

Sometimes I feel sad and no concentration on work without any reason,  before 2 months ago I had panic attack but now ok no problem with panic but why this feeling I am facing,  I didn't use any medication for panic attack,  Now what should I do
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Feeling sad, mad and scared

I'm afraid of facing other people. I also get sad and scared for no reason. I lost my mom when I was 10 and I was with her during the accident. I was also abused by a family member and I feel as though life has been unfair to me.
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Stress depression sadness

Am always bored my day is ruled by doing nothing but I have job and I have to go to college but am doing nothing after my brake up my day is full of stress and depression and sadness. I can't do nothing I can't even motivate do any wrk am like nothing always like paused
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Started seeing sad videos

Hii doctor , my boyfriend has suddenly started seeing sad videos and emotional things . And even he does not sleeps at night he watches these videos all day long
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