Recently Answered Questions on ROSUVAS


Headache, unable to go market

I am male 37 age 5 11 height weight 89 kgs from last 2 years i am using Tazloc beta 25mg rosuvas 10 mg tablets , last week due to short ness of breath cardiologist changed my BP tablet starpress-3d 50 mg,but that tablet given so much of headache , body uncontrollable , again cardiologist changed my BP tablet to lazloc beta 50mg ,but i have headache , I met neurologist he given 1)divalex od 250 Please tell me how to reduce BP naturally and how cure headache
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How to reduce BP naturally

I am male 37 age,5"11 height and weight 89 kgs , from last 2 years i am using Tazloc beta 25mg, rosuvas 10 mg, Last week I faced headache and short ness of breath, cardiologist changed my BP tablet starpress-3d 25/12.5 ,in hospital my BP around 165/95, doctor suggested that daily check BP in home ,my question is 1)how to reduce BP naturally 2)at what time i check my BP daily, how many times (any specific time)
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Pain near 6th and 7th ribs cage.

My mother is having severe pain near the gall bladder region & 6th n 7th ribs cage. We did USG & Chest X ray but there was no such abnormalities. Kindly help me what should I do. A request to Senior doctor to kindly provide some ideas on this regard. USG report is attached. As per doc suggestion, we injected anaspas injection and Pan 40 injection. She is taking Zerodol P tablets twice for two days. She is taking currently Olmezest 40 for high BP & Rosuvas 10 for lowering cholesterol. She further given enzyme Acizyme liquid 2tsp.
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Consultation about cholestrol and pain

Last month i test cholestrol complete profile test of my mom and the result is high and after doctor consultation rosuvas 10 tablet started recently my mom repeat this test and test is normal,but my mom have pain in left side 6-7 time i test ecg and ecg is normal and echo i tested on may month and this was also normal ,and doctor say this is muscular pain after giving medicine the pain was stop but sometime pain occur and some time pain like niddle pinch,kindly suggest what can i do and in my mind one thing circulate that is cholestrol is normal that time but before medicine high cholestrol give any problem pls suggest
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Clarification on Multivitamin tablet

Good evening doctors, I want one clarity on Multivitamin tablets. My mother and father both are diabetes patients. My mother is currently having medications  Cetapin XR, Ondereo and Insulin for diabetes and Brilinta, Ecosprin and Rosuvas 20 for heart. My father is having medications Galvus met 1000, Cyblex MV 80.2 and Comega capsules. I want to ask that can both of them take Multivitamin tablet "Becosule Plus" daily? Is there any drug interactions? Thanking you.
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Lipid nd lft test

My lipid test Cholestrol total 259.40mg/dl Triglycerides 321 mg/dl Hdl 41 Ldl 154.19 Vldl 64.20 Non hdl 218 My lft test Sgot 44 sgpt 72 Prescription:- Rosuvas f 10 Mucinac 600 Evion lc Uprise d3 Omega fm Is that ok? Plus could not the use of mucinac nd evoin lc ? Please clarify nd suggest
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Please advise

Hi Sir, last month I had discomfort in my chest and pain. Doctor suggested me to go for full body checkup in which sugar, ecg, echo, tmt, chest x-ray, lipid, pft test were done . All results were normal except for cholesterol. Total cholesterol is 219.0 , LDL is 154 , HDL 36.0.  doctor suggested me to reduce weight and prescribed tablet Rosuvas for cholesterol . My bp is around 140/90. Weight is 110kg. Now after a month , I am again feeling chest discomfort with mild pain sometimes. One day I was feeling short breath which increased on lying flat. Feeling dizziness too. Please advise.
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Medicine resistant Diabetes. Low Lipids

Hi, I am diabetic for 10 yrs. Medications bring only temporary relief, and sugar levels rise again. I was taking Metformin 100 mg BD, and Glimepride 1 mg BD, with Tenefit 20 in afternoon. When I started this 5 months ago, my HbA1c moved from 8.9 to 7.8. But my latest report shows HbA1c 8.4. I also take Rosuvas F, since my Triglycerides were 800 earlier. Triglycerides are now 190, and cholestrol - 100, LDL - 49, and HDL - 36. Frustrating experience. Kindly advise.
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Pain in joints, teeth,overweight,prediab

I am hypothyroid. My Hb aic is 6.4 and average glucose is 138. My BP is 140/95. HDL is 32. Family history of heart diseases CABPS, DIABETES.I am asthmatic also. Overweight 85kg, 178cm tall with lower bone density than normal. PAIN in joints while walking or stepping stairs. Whether ayush treatment and therapies required? Already on medicines 150mg thyronorm and rosuvas f10 daily. Please reply, with regards.
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Abnormaly high HDL Choles

Since last two years I have HDL Cholesterol in the range of 90.My total cholesterol is 170, LDL 80, Triglycerides 80 .I am on Rosuvas 5mg,Clopilet 75 mg, Eltroxin 125mcg, Urimax0.4mg.My TSH /PSA/ liver/renal blood reports are OK. My FBS is 109/PPBS 108.My TMT/2DEco are OK. My CT Angio done 2010 shows 20/30% blockage. What is the reason for this high HDL. How to make this normal. How does this harm me? What other tests to do for knowing the reason for this high HDL
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