Recently Answered Questions on ROSUVAS


Low Pulse rate

My father's pulse rate today was 46, BP was 122/66. He is under following medication: (1) Rosuvas cv10 (2) Telzhy ch 40 (half tab) (3) Kimet xl 25 Lifestyle: (1) He goes for morning walk, do gardening, cattle rearing (2) In food we prefer canola oil, salad, vegetables, rice, chapati. Earlier report: (1) Holter was done in 2020 when he had had chest pain. But as per doctor the report din't have any significant findings. (2) Though ECG showed bradicardia. Is it concerning?
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Pain in right side from last 4 days

She is having pain in right side of the body, mainly in leg, hand and  back unable to do daily chores like going to washroom from last 4 days. She is having arthritis pain in both knees did medication 10 years back but stopped as no permanent cure she can do daily chores until the pain starts in right side. She had parkinson and tremors 8 years back, did medication for around 4 years from neurologist and now she don't need medication. She is having gastric problems from long time and used to have digene and pan d,rolmizac, pantosec, pantosec IT, etc(used to change medicine after few months as it gets less effective) . related medicine after consultation with doctor from last 7-8 years. Border line sugar and chelestrol. She take diegene and pan 40 etc. for gastric and rosuvas for sugar. Please advise what could be the reason for pain in right side and to whom i should see.
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High triglycerides inspite of diet

For the past 6-7months my triglycerides level are fluctuating inspite of strict diet maintenance. I was taking rosuvas 10 as prescribed. Upon stoping to take the medicine it have rised upto 496. My food habits are very clean. Complete no to junk or cigrette or alcohol. Only limited quantity of olive oil is used at my home for cooking. Still results are very disturbing. I maintain a step count of about 7k to 8k everyday. My height is 5ft 6inch and weight is 61kg. Kindly help
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Can't control urine in night

My father age is 71 he is having high bp and high sugar also cretanin is 1.4 along with cholesterol level 229. He is on telsig 80, amlodac m, and revelol xl 50, zoryl m2 for diabetes and rosuvas 10 for cholesterol everything seems normal range but from few week again he is feeling high urine output in night also he can't control and few drops drip in pants, he was diagnosed with enlarge presotate earlier, i want to ask whether he should take urimax 0.4 or any other medicine which does not hav side effects
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Unable to concentrate or sleep

My father had high fever and cough. With dolo 650 taken 3 times in a day it was not coming down so he took meftal forte thrice a day for about 2 days and fever body pain came down. He took asthakind expectorant for cough and pan 40 morning. A Zithromax 500mg 3 days. He takes rosuvas 10mg at night for Cholesterol. Does any of this have serious side effects causing illusions or unable to concentrate n sleep. He said muscles feels like it will stop working if you straighten or stiffen it. Pls help immediately.
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Husband having hypotension

My husband in on Telmed 40 since 2014. Since last two days, he was having heaviness in head. His BP was 92/64 yesterday and 86/62 today evening at 7.15 pm. After giving a glass of saline water, it rose to 96/65. His heart rate is between 84/85. He took Telmed 40 today. He is a diabetic. On Forxiga 1 10, Gluconorm G4 forte ( twice). He also takes Rosuvas 5. Kindly help.
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Amlopidine or metoprolol?

Sir, all my test like ecg, echo, tmt, chest xray all were normal, except high LDL cholesterol for which doctor suggested me rosuvas and I am taking it. It has been one month since I had chest pain . Now again I am feeling chest pain and tightness. Doctor said to have a bp medicine if tightness and chest pain occur. Which should I take metoprolol or amlopidine? My weight is 110kg and bp one month ago was consistent 140/90. I am not able to measure bp due to lockdown. Which medicine should I take, I have with me metoprolol which I bought a year back or should I buy amlopidine? Please advise.
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Can this be angina pain?

Hi Sir, last month I had discomfort in my chest and pain. Doctor suggested me to go for full body checkup in which sugar, ecg, echo, tmt, chest x-ray, lipid, pft test were done . All results were normal except for cholesterol. Total cholesterol is 219.0 , LDL is 154 , HDL 36.0.  doctor suggested me to reduce weight and prescribed tablet Rosuvas for cholesterol . My bp is around 140/90. Weight is 110kg. Now after a month , I am again feeling chest discomfort with mild pain sometimes. One day I was feeling short breath which increased on lying flat. Feeling dizziness too. Please advise.
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Chest pain even after all reports normal

Hi Sir, last month I had discomfort in my chest and pain. Doctor suggested me to go for full body checkup in which sugar, ecg, echo, tmt, chest x-ray, lipid, pft test were done . All results were normal except for cholesterol. Total cholesterol is 219.0 , LDL is 154 , HDL 36.0.  doctor suggested me to reduce weight and prescribed tablet Rosuvas for cholesterol . My bp is around 140/90. Weight is 110kg. Now after a month , I am again feeling chest discomfort with mild pain sometimes. One day I was feeling short breath which increased on lying flat. Feeling dizziness too. Please advise. I am not taking any bp medicine, but just now my father's surgeon sugegsted me to take Amlodipine to. I just called and asked him for coursey advise. Is Amlodipine good?
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Need to know which medicines to stop

I've had mildly high BP for few months about 12 years back. since then I've been taking some or the other medicine prescribed by doctors. Recently started Telma 20. I've had borderline triglycerides and cholesterol. Have been taking rosuvas 5 mg for 1 year and now replaced it with Rosulip 5 mg for past 15 days. I've had urticaria since 3 months. Am taking Dazit M since then. I have 2 gall stones since 2 years now. Are my medicines ok ? Or do I need to change something. I don't want to increase stones and want to stop rashes / urticaria. How ?
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