Recently Answered Questions on ROSUVAS


Need to know which medicines to stop

I've had mildly high BP for few months about 12 years back. since then I've been taking some or the other medicine prescribed by doctors. Recently started Telma 20. I've had borderline triglycerides and cholesterol. Have been taking rosuvas 5 mg for 1 year and now replaced it with Rosulip 5 mg for past 15 days. I've had urticaria since 3 months. Am taking Dazit M since then. I have 2 gall stones since 2 years now. Are my medicines ok ? Or do I need to change something. I don't want to increase stones and want to stop rashes / urticaria. How ?
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Heart surgery and medications

My father had a heart attack in Aug2016 two stunts are placed at that time and one more block identified at that time it is showing 30%blockage my dad using these medicines. Clopilet 75mg, ecosprin 325MG,rosuvas 20mg, cardivas6.25mg.recently 2decho test conducted EF is showing 44%,BP 130/70.he is doing job in rtc as a conductor, is it better can I doany additional test,as report says in left atrium blood pumping is very slow can you recommend additional tests,other medicine,can he continue job
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Regarding Hyperlipidemia

Sir, I have recently tested my lipid profile as follows: Serum Cholesterol:171.4 mg/dl Serum Triglyceride:186.9 mg/dl Serum HDL:37.4 mg/dl Serum LDL:96.6 mg/dl Serum VLDL:37.3 mg/dl LDL/HDL Ratio: 2.5 TC/HDL Ratio: 4.5 Please suggest that should I take Rosuvas 10 mg 1 Tab per Day.
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Guiddiness, spinning feel

She has been experiencing guiddiness or a spinning feel in the head over the last few days and a slight heaviness at the back of the head. The symptoms happen when she gets out of bed or all of a sudden when she is perfectly fine and doing her daily chores and is not predictable. Her bp when checked with a bp meter around this time appears normal but heartrate seems to dip a bit to anywhere between 50-55. After restng she recovers but appears tired. She is not a diabetic but has cholesterol and is on rosuvas 20 for last 2years. She has undergone hysterectomy for removal of uterus and ovaries in oct.2015. Pls advise.
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Feeling tired all the time and sleepy.

Hi I have been going through the feeling of exhausted and extreme tiredness for the last year and a half. Can't concentrate on work or family. My health deterioration makes me irritated all the time. I sometimes have dizziness feeling as well. It is at its worst when first wake up in the morning or even if i take a nap. I had blood tests that shows elevated cholesterol levels and started on rosuvas 5 mg one tab at night. And shelcal xt and Neurobion forte. Nothing seems to work for me. Had all the tests as suggested by the doctor like ecg and blood tests. CBC ESR FLP TSH SUGAR TESTS PERIPHERAL SMEAR TEST. URINE Test. Hba1c AND ETC. nowadays following a health lifestyle as much as I can . I get a 6 hour of sleep daily. 1 am to 7 am because of my work. That too not a continuous sleep. It is fragmented. Pls help Pls look attached reports
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Mild tingling in Right lower leg

Hi Saviours, I am a software engineer and used to sit around 12-13 hours a day. Recently i am feeling a mild sensation in my lower right leg (sometimes a sharp pain for 1 sec, then it goes) , I consulted a neurologist he has advised to take maxgallin which i am taking. I did a full body test, not diebetic and thyroid. No problem in Kidney and Glycolayed haemoglobin. I was having triglycerides 200 and SGPT 85 in LFT (it was earlier 125 and SGOT was 57, triglycerides was 280 due to my alcoholic nature) , i quit alcohol 2.5 years ago , from that day the numbers are decreasing. Vitamin D was 17, I am also taking medication for Cholesterol (rosuvas) and for vitamin D supplements (uprise D3). Now can anyone tell me why this sensation happening in only one leg , in the lower right leg? Is it due to Peripheral Neuropathy or Poor circulation due to my lifestyle or from medication side effects?? I am going to meet the DR on Saturday though, but putting this question here to get some info
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High cholesterol and triglycerides

6 months before, I was diagnosed with fatty liver with high level liver enzymes and high cholesterol & high triglycerides. I taken vitamin E and did diet control and cycling daily and loss weight from 73 kg to 64 kg & brought liver enzymes to normal. After liver enzymes are normal, started atorvastatin 20 mg as still high cholesterol (243) and triglycerides (343). After 2 months of taking statin, my cholesterol levels are normal but triglycerides still high (408). At the same time my liver enzymes are high again. Now I feel panic attack often and my blood pressure (140/90) and heart rate (114pm) raises when I feel panic attack. Should I withdraw statin? Or is it OK to taken? Doctor prescribed now Rosuvas F 10 mg and Bisoheart 2.5 mg.. please advise.
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Chest pain

Hello doctor, From last few days m having chest pain from 5-6 days, had visited to my pulmonologist as I m asthma patient, I take inhaler when it's required not daily, he prescribed combihale -200 & levolin rotacaps 100 MCG twice morning n night, ( taking from last 4 days n continued still more for 5 days),star CV 625, methylprednisolone dispersible tablet one in morning n half on night, easy air only on night, asthalin syrup thrice a day. I am thyroid patient taking eltroxin 100, I had my renal angioplasty in 2007, since long I used to take only one tablet ecosprin 75 av, but due to my health situation, my cardiologist replaced medicine to clopilet 75, n rosuvas 10. Started these medicines from last 2 days..but still having pain on my chest feeling cunjuction..feeling muscus when swallow anything.. Pls guide what to do? Thanks.
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Pain in anal area

My father he is 56, has been taking medication for heart condition cardace meto 2.5,Clavix As 75, Rosuvas. A week before on wards he is been having severe pain in anal area. He have severe pain after defecation .he is been doing sitz bath with gention violet and also taking medication Narflox 400 and pain killer. He is been consuming food container fibers too. But today he is shivering, and bp is 168/108 this haven't been this high . He took cardace meto 2.5 in the mrng usually his BP remain quiet normal  approx 110/60. Today the only thing he extra took was an ayurvedic medicine Chiruvilwadi kashayam. What can he do to relive the pain ? What can be the reason for sudden rise in pressure ? What should he do?
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Foamy urine and skin prob

Hi, Recently while urinating , there is a foamy like appearence around 70% of time. Sometimes feel like burning sensation while urinating, pain in left back lower side. All symptoms are not consistent but appear at least 60-70% of time in a day. Sometimes red itchy spots on skin comeout and go automatically, having itch as well Done recent RFT and urine routine. Reports are normal. However last year abdomen USG revealed simple renal cortical cyst( report attached) Need help how to totally rule out any probability of kidney disease meaning, what further test if any required to rule out any disease. Presently suffering from high triglycerides and taking Rosuvas 10 mg for last 1.5 months Recent test revealed normal cholestrol and high triglycerides (354 mg/dl) Also can this foamy urine may de due to high triglycerides? Regards,
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