Recently Answered Questions on Paroxetine


Medicine related

Hey i have been taking antidepressants medicine paroxetine and trazonil 50 mg from past two weeks suddenly from past 5 and 6 days i m noticing lack of sharpness and clearity in my vision. Plz tell me Or connect with much time it take to get normal..... I m really afraid...i have already done my eye test n every thing is correct...
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Carpal tunnel syndrome

My mother was  diagnosed Carpal tunnel syndrome in right wrist, 5 years ago with 2 months medicines of oxcarbazepene, dosulepin, paroxetine.., No problem and symptoms during last 5year,. Two days before, she starts numbness and pain during rest and sleep time,
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Pexep and Antibiotics, together?

I have been taking a dosage of Pexep CR 25 mg everyday for the past 7 months. I have Typhoid Fever, should I continue Pexep? Will leaving cold turkey have side effects? I'm getting vivid nightmares. Is there interaction between paroxetine oral and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim and cefixime. Please urgent.
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Stress and depression more

I really confused my head problem. I use paroxetine prolonged tablet pari cr 12.5 mg. I takes daily 1 tablet but today I took 35 tablets at one time. Please tell this situation good or bad.
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Constant anxiety , depression

I have a problem of heart palpitaion which diagnosed recently after my ecg and doctor said that happened because of long time stress and depression and i have been in depression since one year and i am taking counselling from a phychiatrist doctor prescribed me medicines for depression and anxiety but i m concerned about the side effects of these medicine she prescribed ( paroxetine, petril nd etilaam ) for 2 weeks......
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OCD medication discontinuation

Sir I am OCD patient and on medication for 2 years.I take 25mg paroxetine twice daily and 100mg quetiapine thrice daily. This has reduced my symptoms upto 70%. Sir,please tell me how long I should take medication and how to lower doses to discontinue medication. I will be much greatful to you for this consultation.
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Nipple discharge

Hello respected doctor i have both nipple discharge after pressing my nipple whity type discharge i also done prolactin and thyroid test it also came out normal but i done the test a month ago and also done my both breast USG it also BIRAD 1 what is the causes and which doctor should I consult please tell me i am also suffering from anxiety and stress from one month and use codesoft for PMS and paroxetine for Anxiety is it due to medication or something else
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Order of half life for different SSRI

Can we arrange the following SSRI (Fluxotine, Fluvoximine, Sertaline, Escitalopram, Paroxetine) in increasing order of half life ? What should be the exact order ? I understand Paroxerine has very short half life and Fluxotine has longer half life but where does other SSRI like Escitalopram, Sertaline, Fluvoximin fit into ?
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Masturbation addiction

I have a habit of masturbation. Earlier i used to do it prone,and recently around two three months i have started hand practice. But I don't feel okay after doing it. I have tried medicines like sertraline and paroxetine even tried exercises but didn't improve. I want to decrease and stop the same as it affects my normal activities. Suggest appropriate advice.
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Depression ibs-c

For past 2 year i have depression issue and also ibs-c i used paroxetine & escitalopram,prozac but always get side effects now dr prescribed me prothiaden(dosulepin) i use now 12 days  althought i didnt feel any change yet my problem is still there Does dosulepin helps in ibs c ?
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