Recently Answered Questions on Paroxetine


Y No improvement on medicines

Why we feel left shoulder, left arm and left bicep pain. Also the disorientation in walking and talking As if words are coming out different or as if mouth is moving in different direction while talking and same goes to legs while walking Pounding of heart Nausea Left hand pain Dis alignment And sometimes a feeling as if this world and the life is not real What is this ? Is it hazardous? And why is this Taking paroxetine 25mg Clonopazem 0.25mg Daily
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Anxiety and depression

Which tab is best for anxiety veniz or paroxetine? How much day it will take to reflect after taking tab? Feeling anxiety while walking outside. No issues with driving bike,walking in treadmills etc. No issues with lying down or sitting position . In home also no issues observed. Currently taking veniz 37 mg tab Is veniz is safe tab?
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Blurry and unclear vision

Hey i had taken paroxetine 12.5 for 7 days and trazonil 50 mg for 12 days.. Since then I had develop blurry vision and clearity problem in my vision... It's has been more than 45 days since I stopped taking those medicine. But still there is Blurrynes and clearity problem persist although it has reduced a lot from the beginning.. I had already done my all eye check up it's fine...plz tell me how much time these side effect remain... I m feeling very much depressed due to this..
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Sexual problem

Doctors among all those which one one is best  Bupropion, paroxetine and Fluoxetine to treat psychological sexual disorder like over excitement, anxiety and performance fear leading to Erectile dysfunction and PME since last 6-7 years. As while watching erotic movies, touch or during foreplay with partner I discharge sperms in just 10-15 seconds as my mind gets over excited and can't keep control on myself
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Medicine side effects

My name is hamza and i am 26 . My doctor prescribed me paroxetine HCL three years ago for daily. But some times i miss the dose. But then i noticed that if i skip it for 2,3 days then i feel like sometimes i get little electrical like shocks in my head. Is this the side effect or me getting addicted to the medicine? Because i dont want to get addicted to it! I remain normal all the time without the medicine but if i face some problem in daily life any day then i get panic attacks so what should i do ? Really lookin forward for helpful comments Thnks
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Irritable bowls

Hi ,I am venkat I followed psychiatric medicine from 8 years for psychosis with major depression I using present Paroxetine 25 Olanzapine 5 Clonazepam 0.5 But  my present problem is not that It like my irritability bowls Every time of before bowl is stressed and irritated and 3 times frequency of stools  everyday What is solution for irritable bowls
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I have depression issue psychiatrist diagnosis me health anxiety i keep checking medication online what about their reviews and research work, previously i used paroxetine for 6 months and escitalopram for 2 weeks because of side effects dr now prescribed me dosulepin 75mg (1) Need to know other psychiatrist is this medication is right for me? (2) Is this drug is addictive? Or causes any problem in withdrawal? (3) How long should i take this medication?
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Acne on face and hair folliculitis

Hello. I am currently having 8 pimples on face and 1 acne on pubic hair(Hair Folliculitis) as diagnosed by a Dermatologist. The doctor has prescribed me Azythromycin 500 mg Tablet thrice a week(wed,thurs,Fri) for many weeks. So for how many weeks i can take Azythromycin? I am also taking Pexert 12.5 (Paroxetine HCL) medicine for my OCD as prescribed by my Psychiatrist. Please help.Regards
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Side effects of pills

I am schizophrenic and I got clinical depression at the same time. My psychiatrist have prescribed me paroxetine (37.5),sizodon (2) and clonazepam (0.25). I have anxiety, panic attacks, mood flactuations and really bad suicidal tendencies, hallucinations too. I am wondering about the long term side effect of the pills which is being prescribed. I didn't check for a psychologist but went for psychiatrist. Just wanted to know if I did the right step of consulting a psychiatrist first or not.
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OCD for 15 Yr old boy

My son is 15yrs old and he is having OCD he was under medication PRODEP 60MG AND Frisium 5mg once daily. There is only marginal improvement so Dr has changed the medication to PAROXETINE PROLONGED RELEASE TABLETS 12.5mg and ARIFINE 2.5MG TABLET HALF ONCE DAILY AT Night. I'm very worried about the medicines that are changed. Is there any ayurvedic treatment for this. Please advise
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