Recently Answered Questions on PIO-G-MF


Regarding Clop-G cream

I had sone skin problems on my Arm coupled with itching. So my dermatologist recommended me to apply Clop-G cream and parasoft cream in the ratio 1:3. I have read some side effects and dependency on Clop G. So is it safe to use it in short term?
262 Views hidden

Overall g tablets

Hello All, I wanted to know I have stopped overall g on 18th Feb 24' . I feel like I will get my periods, within how many days will I bleed? Today is 21st feb. It's been 4 days. Please answer
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Late period due to use if overal g

My wife is taking ovral-g as a contraception. This is the first cycle. We use protection as well during intercourse. But her period has not yet come. 9 days late to be precise. What can be the reason? Is pregnancy a possibility?
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Is clop G ointment an immunosuppresant?

I take clop G ointment for psoriasis. I have active flares recently. I take this ointment regularly twice a day. Can i take covid vaccine?
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Can i take becozinc g tablet daily

Hi doctor,last month I had tested covid positive.from that time i have been taking becozinc g capsules gives good strength to i want to continue this capsule there any side effects of this to me.please suggest me
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G spot and vagina

G- spot any gynaecologist located or seen. Is it real or myth?. Does vagina contract or expand immediately after orgasm..
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Face rashes due to cloben g

Hello doctor Iam 25 year old I was using cloben g since from 2 months Now I stopped using it..after two days of stop using it my face is become more reddish and started itching due to rashes..I dont know what to do?? Please help me out
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Ovral g intake

I had taken ovral g for 3 cycles in January the cycle got completed but in February I have still not got my periods it's been more than 10days now I have also checked for UTP it's negative. Kindly suggest what should I do next.
1188 Views hidden

Safe it is to have sex during ovral g

Iam on my first cycle of ovral g and now it's 6 th day and had unprotected sex is there any chance to get pregnant or I should take I pill wid it
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Hello doctor can i take absolute 3 g ca

I'm 25 years old girl and my wait is only 40 kg so can i take Absolute 3 g capsule for gaining weight plz suggest me it is helpful otherwise plz suggest me any other medicine
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