Recently Answered Questions on PIO-G-MF


Stomach and G-spot pain

I'm a virgin guy of age 25 years. My girlfriend of age 24 years, is also a virgin. Few days back, we for the first time got involved in kissing and all, but we didn't indulged in sex. During making love, I fingered her at her g-spot for the first time. She although enjoyed her, it was first time for her, because she has not even masturbated ever in her life. Now she tells that she is experiencing a little pain in her abdomen and even at the g-spot, although neither blood came while I fingered, and even I fingered very slowly. I'm a bit tensed why is this happening! Please do provide me with a proper and quick response. Thank you.
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Bleeding in G Sac

Hello, I'm a 30 year old female. Currently 6 weeks (approx.) pregnant. As per the USG the Crown Rump Length is 7.0 mm, FHR is 124 bpm. A Bleed of 10x5 mm is seen on inferior aspect of G Sac. My currect Doctor has suggested complete rest along with the below medication;- 1. Tab Thyronorm 50 mg. 2. Tab Susten 300 mg (once before bed time). 3. Tab Duphaston (twice a day). 4. Tab Folvite (once a day). Apart from this, I'm also to take inj. Maintaine 500 mg twice a week till the 12th week of pregnancy. I just want to know is there any chance of a miscarriage with this Bleed and what are the chances of normalization in my case.
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A/g ratio is 2.6

I have taken Liver Function Test. All are under normal. But Albumin/Globulin(A/G) Ratio is 2.6. But normal seems to be (0.8 - 2.0). I am getting slight pain in right side of abdomen. I am suffering from this pain from last 2 years and mostly on and off. Sometimes I dont get this pain for 2 to 3 weeks. General Physician has asked to undergo CT scan as well. It looks normal. But he didn't consider A/G ratio. He said this could be because of IBS and gave Procraft24 and Muslcarn. After taking these medicines,  I dint get stomach pain for few weeks. However, I have infected with Mild Covid and recovered recently (3 weeks).Post covid, I am again getting this pain. What should I do. This is the third week that I am suffering from pain.
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Is Cutenox 40mg and Cutenox-G 40mg same?

I'm 4 months pregnant and doctor prescribed daily a dose of Cutenox 40mg injection, now Cutenox 40mg is out of stock, but Cutenox-G 40mg is available, Does both Cutenox 40mg and Cutenox-G 40mg same?
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Taking NISE for headache after ovral g

From past 7 days i am taking ovral g as my dr suggested me that for after abortion pill but sometimes headache happen so i m taking NISE tablets from nearest pharmacy and after sometime pain slows down headache happen in gap of 2 3 days . My que is can i take NISE tablet for headache as i have read that takin nimesulide with oral contraceptives can leads to liver damage .plz suggest some medicine if not NISE for headache.
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HIGH A/ G ratio

My son age 5 and weight 23kgs is speech delayed. We went for some of his tests on the advise of his doctor like heavy metals, some vitamins, oxalate, LFT etc. While other tests came out fine, his LFT has two parameters out of range. His globulin is 2.0( normal range-2.1-3.5) and A/G RATIO is 2.5(1.0-2.1). Rest all parameters in LFT are fine.Total protein is 7.0 ( range- 6.0-8.0) Please advise what could be the cause.
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MCHC 31 g/dL Anemia

Hi I did my CBC , MCHC is 31 g/dL . Am I Anemic? Please check attachment. Symptoms : cold hand and feet , fatigue
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Missed Ovral G single dose

I missed one dose of Ovral G on my 24th day (yesterday), but took the missed pill the very next morning, will my periods still arrive early, since I'm getting light cramps now. Is there any way I can still delay them and get them on my regular time i.e 30th day?
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Uric Acid and A/G Ratio

My A/G ratio is 2.13 and Uric Acid is 8.1. Egfr is 76 against lab reference range>60ml/min/1.73sqm. Creatinine Serum is 1.17 Previous Test result before 1 month states Egfr at 83,Creatinine at 1.16 and Uric Acid at 7.59 No diabetes or high blood pressure.Could this be a major kidney issue.
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Only g sac seen

I’m 26 yrs. I’m pregnant. This is my second pregnancy. My daughter is 6 years now. I’m on irregular cycle from menarche. Lmp was feb8. Only had sex on feb 28, march 1,9,10,16. I will start breast pain around ovulation what I feel. So from that day to 17 days before period I will have breast pain. This time breast pain started on march 16. But I haven’t got period and checked on 22 th day of breast pain, got BFP. On April 9. On April 10, I have got my usg done— that showed only g sac. Please guide me. My hcg was 13200
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