Recently Answered Questions on PIO-G-MF


What to do if I miss Ovral G

I take Ovral G tablets. This month I have lost track of days and the start day of taking the tablet. Yesterday I got confused if I have taken my tablets or not. I felt that I have taken and if I take another time that it will be double dose for the same day. At the same time I felt that I may have not taken the tablet. Should I continue the tablets as usual from today again ? Is there any affects of missing the tablets in between the 20 days of routine?
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When to start ovral g

Last period date- 19 January Had 8 tablets of medroxyprogesterone and today I'm spotting, it's brown blood. No flow. I've pcod . Can I start taking ovral g from tomorrow as  it'll be day 2 of spotting.
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G sac at 8 weeks

Hello, I am 8 weeks pregnant according to my LMP. But when doctor did tvs only g sac was present showing 6W. Doctor said it could be blighted ovum. Please suggest. Fyi my periods are irregular that goes upto 37 days. Could that be the reson for this delay.
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Does Ovral G cause depression?

I am feeling very sad. My breastmilk has been reduce. Will ovral g harm my breast fed baby? I have discontinued after taking two doses as i was not feeling well..still got withdrawal bleeding. Will periods come back next month? Is there any way to stop periods till i wean baby from breast milk?
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Low A/G ratio.

I was in the ER the other night for prolonged heavy menstural bleeding and had a series of tests done that were normal including my CBC being normal. But my A/G ratio was low (under 1). My albumin was low at 3.3gm\dL my globulin was high was 4.5 and my bilirubin was 0.2mg/dL.
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Ring worm, cloben g

I got a ringworm on my face. My doctor friend said cloben g should be applied 3 times a day. I followed the treatment and it disappeared in about a week. I m still continueing with the treatment but it has appeared again at the same place but larger this time. What can be done for this problem? Is there any oral medicine i can take to kill the fungus?
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Feel numb at my g-spot

I m kavitha, 30yrs old.I m unmarried. I had first time sex at last week with my would be. I feel numb at my g-spot and no sexual sensation at my breast. Is there any medicine or treatment is available..pls reply to long it will take time to cure, approximately.....
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A/g ratio is 2.6

I have taken Liver Function Test. All are under normal. But Albumin/Globulin(A/G) Ratio is 2.6. But normal seems to be (0.8 - 2.0). I am getting slight pain in right side of abdomen. I am suffering from this pain from last 2 years and mostly on and off. Sometimes I dont get this pain for 2 to 3 weeks. General Physician has asked to undergo CT scan as well. It looks normal. But he didn't consider A/G ratio. He said this could be because of IBS and gave Procraft24 and Muslcarn. After taking these medicines,  I dint get stomach pain for few weeks. However, I have infected with Mild Covid and recovered recently (3 weeks).Post covid, I am again getting this pain. What should I do. This is the third week that I am suffering from pain.
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Stomach and G-spot pain

I'm a virgin guy of age 25 years. My girlfriend of age 24 years, is also a virgin. Few days back, we for the first time got involved in kissing and all, but we didn't indulged in sex. During making love, I fingered her at her g-spot for the first time. She although enjoyed her, it was first time for her, because she has not even masturbated ever in her life. Now she tells that she is experiencing a little pain in her abdomen and even at the g-spot, although neither blood came while I fingered, and even I fingered very slowly. I'm a bit tensed why is this happening! Please do provide me with a proper and quick response. Thank you.
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Is Cutenox 40mg and Cutenox-G 40mg same?

I'm 4 months pregnant and doctor prescribed daily a dose of Cutenox 40mg injection, now Cutenox 40mg is out of stock, but Cutenox-G 40mg is available, Does both Cutenox 40mg and Cutenox-G 40mg same?
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