Recently Answered Questions on Levocetirizine


Itching on full body

I am having this itching problem since feb 2014. When the itching starts it spreads all over the body in a min. While itching it makes the whole body red. I cant resist without itching my body. It countinues until i take "Levocetirizine". Suggest some treatment cure this disease.
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Skin infection around testicles

Hello Sir/ Mam I suffered with a skin infection in testicles last month. My testicles turned red and cause itching and also some swelling was there.I went to Doc and he suggest me to use Zydip C cream in affected area and eat levocitrizine twice a day. It improved my condition. But after a week taking above medication It started itching in my whole body so I stopped the above medicines thinking that itching in my body is due to reaction of medication in body. After somedays when itching my body stopped I started taking levocetirizine tablets. So I think itching in my body is due to zypid c cream. Now I am taking levocetirizine tablets 5mg daily in night from last 3 days again. Will only taking levocetirizine improve my condition ? Please suggest me. Now I am not using any cream on affected area. I have attached pics of current skin condition.
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Gave 2doses of havmont l syrup

I by mistake gave 2doses havmont L syrup (Levocetirizine and Montelukast) of 6ml each in a gap of 10mins.12ml in 10 mins. Doctor adviced 6ml at night. What should I do now.
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7 yrs kid suffering from non stop cough

Hi Doctor, My kid suffering from severe cough from past 2 days.. she not eaten any outside food cold drinks or items I am using  syrup and levocetirizine dihydrochloride. please help.. no fever motions or vomitings please prescribe
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D- Dimer CRP high

Crp 39.8 D-Dimer 578 Currently taking tab azee 500 Limce zincovit montar lc and levocetirizine do I need to add any Any thing Covid positive
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Cough from long time

More then 3 months .i m having cough. I had don't all blood test and X-ray. Everything is normal. But thyroid is little high. Doctor told to take montelukast and levocetirizine. When I stop medicine. I again have cough
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Pain in food pipe while eating/drinking

Having dry cough from 6-7days,taking monocef 200cv, acebrophylline 200 SR and Levocetirizine + fenoxidine but from yesterday i start feeling pain sensation in food pipe while eating or drinking. Is it normal or should i worry about it plz suggest
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Frequent cold

Hi I am getting cold very frequently and throat itching, eyes itching also which are very irritating can I known why was this happening. When I use levocetirizine I was getting body pains and fever so I stopped using it. First of all I want to know what was my disease condition was, Is it sinusitis or allergic rhinitis?  Pls anyone help me to sort out this problem. I was suffering it from nearly 10 years
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Itching in hand palm, feet,and vagina

Itching from last week in hand feet and vagina now itching started in upper back area and front of chest- had 4 days levocetirizine but after three days its started again- today facing same problem itching in hand palm area feet and vagina area. Please suggest what should i do?
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Throat tightness

Hi Doctor, I am experiencing throat tightness only while lying down while I get up it's good. Took guidance from general doctor below course for 5 days Took antibiotics and levocetirizine 1 more day left for the course to end, tightness feels better but not 100 percent . What would be the possible cause?
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