Recently Answered Questions on Levocetirizine


Monticope A

Is Monticope A (Montelukast,Levocetirizine, Ambroxol Hydrochloride) increases B.P in elderly adult hypertensive patients?
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Cough for heart surgery patient

My mother has Aortic Valve replacement heart surgery in 2016, from last 2 days she has cough. Which medicine is safe for her? Can she take levocetirizine or Sinarest for cough?
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Usage of medicine

Can I take Rifaximin tablets and Providac tablets along with Acebrophylline tablets & Montelukast sodium and levocetirizine Hydrochloride? I forgot to ask the doctor.
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About medicine and pregnancy

Hi.. I have sinus and my ent dr prescribed me levocetirizine dihydrochloride and montelukast tablet ... But as I confusion about pregnancy so I am not taking it... Can I take this I have very severe cold... Does this medicine have effect when conceived???a
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Side effects of Terbinafine 250mg perday

Doctor has prescribed me Terbinafine 250 mg per day and Levocetirizine tablet. I have taken one dose at night and now i am feeling dizziness and mild headache. Is it normal or should i contact the doctor asap?
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Allergy problem from last 6 month

Hello sir/mem, my wife has an allergy problem she is taking levocetirizine 5mg every it's being month she is taking. when she forgot to take medicine itching will start next day. we already finished two doctor course but no result in front of us.
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Kidney stones and throat allergy

I m taking kcit syrup 3 times a day for kidney stones and hcq tablet also for immune disease. Having secere throat infection now. Is it safe to take levocetirizine?
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Skin allergy

I have skin allergy. I have to take levocetirizine medicine within 48 hours regularlly. i wan to ask is it harmful in pragnancy???
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Cough while breathing

Having cough while breathing, feel like something stuck inside chest, sometime sore throat, taking medicine Azee 500 n levocetirizine + montelukast but didn't get rid of this symptoms
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Xyzal 10 mg

Is tab Xyzal 10 mg (Levocetirizine) once a day safe to take for 1 month for eczema or fungal infection? Is 10 mg high dose?
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