Recently Answered Questions on Levocetirizine


Year round allergies

Hello doctor from past 10 yrs I'm. Suffering with year round allergies, I'm not allergic to any food.. Only allergies to dust. Mostly when I wake up gets running nose, sneezing, breath problem.. I have consulted doctor they prescribed multiple medications like montair fx, levocetirizine, teczine M, Allegra M.. Nd nasal spray.. And getting relief only when using.. So is it safe to use year around? If is there any pement solution for this..
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Itching near leg fingers

Sir/madam I'm facing irritation near leg fingers, they are like very tiny hot boils little red in colour, something like inflamated I use to wear socks due to sweat issues, unfortunately I wore the same socks for 2-3 days after that I started witnessing itching, today it is irritating a lot, it's like frequently urging to scratch the area with fingers. Pls suggest some medicine, I used levocetirizine and montelukast which I use frequently if I have some cold or wheezing.
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Prolonged Cough

I have been having dry cough for about 4-5 weeks now. It isn't getting any less even after taking medicines. Medicines taken till now are: - Honitus Cough Syrup - Levocetirizine - Grillinctus Cough Syrup - Tusq D Cough Syrup - Rexcof DX - Betnesol I have also done gargle with Betadin gargle but of no use. Cough is suppressed for the time being when I have strepsils or vicks cough drops in mouth. Nothing is helping at the moment. Seems to ve getting worse daily.
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Allergy - inner thigh

Hi sir/madam, I am facing this problem from last 2 years. I don't know whom should I contact exactly. I have taken medicine from local doctors. It gave me a temporary relief but after 2 or 3 days again same story repeated. I am using medices like Levocetirizine-Okacet-L Grisovin-gsk Candid ointment Candid powder Please see the attachment. It looks like same as shown in pic( internet picture) Please suggest a genuine doctor name who can cure my disease. Need any further please replay back. Thank you.
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Need Help figuring out why she needs all

My 92 year mother is taking all these medicines. She seem's to be regressing. How many of these are actually needed? Furosemide 40 MG Levocetirizine 5 MG Allopyrinol 100 MG Hydrochlorothiazde 50 MG Gabapentin 100MG Lisinopril 2.5 MG Potassium ER 20 MEQ Docusate 250 MG Montellukast 10 MG Carvedilol 6.25 MG
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Allergic rhinitis

If I don't take levocetirizine dihydrochloride regularly, my throat starts chocking, runny nose,starts coughing, feels suffocated, hard to breathe. But once I take the allergy tablet I feel fine after 2 hours. I have consulted to ENT specialist, and was suggested to take L Montus regularly for 6 months daily. It's been 4 months but no one understand the kind of allergic problem which I am suffering from.
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What are these ?

3-4 days before suddenly i woke up and found my hand and leg palm itching and my gum swollen little bit, so i thought it is some allergy, so by consulting one of a doctor ,he told me to take levocetirizine and itchy palm wasn't there any more my gum was getting healed but suddenly it because like this after 3 days ... What is going on ?. Is it something serious or i just hit the swollen gum and hot some Sort of infection?
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Ascoril + interactions

Iam currently taking amoxcillin 500mg 3 times for 5 dats, paracetamol 500mg 3 times, levocetirizine 5 and fexafenadine 10 tablet for 5 days for fever and throat infection, currently i have cough and I have ascoril + cough syrup on my hand , any interactions with above medicine s?
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Thorat infection since 1 months

Since last one month every time when i wake up in morning i  have a sore thorat . slightly relieve in afternoon and evening   .No cough cold and fevar.i take courses of tab amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate , levocetirizine and Lactic acid bacillus for 5 day but not cured then again visit dr ..they give me tab azithromycin , tab Montelukast Fexofenadine, tab zipcold dm , multivitamins and bitadin gargels  but steel not cured ..i attached pic
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Is runny nose a COVID symptom??

2 days before I had 101degree fever ,with dry cough. I took paracetomol 500 (3 times)and levocetirizine (1 time) yesterday morning it was 100 degree then it cake to 99 and 98. But from night runny nose started with sneezing. Today morning I lost my smell and taste. Is it a COVID symptom  or a normal cold ? Should i take rtpcr or Chest plain CT scan first? Please suggest
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