Recently Answered Questions on Levocetirizine


Swallowing difficulty

I m getting pain while swallowing meal or drinking. I consulted to doctor and he adviced medicine as mentioned below 1. Levocetirizine 2. Dolo 650 3. Oflomac 200 I took these medicines for last 6 days. I got 70% relief. Please suggest, what should I do further? I m taking thyroid medicine thyrox 25 mg for last 20 days and also taking diabetes medicine.
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Ige level is high

Ige level is very high it's around 1561. Itching comes in whole body specially in stomach area.allready done comprehensive allergy. Taking precautions from them. Just want to know which medicine will help to lower ige and back to normal life. As currently I taking levocetirizine 5mg every alternate day. How much time it takes fully cure. And why this suddenly happened.
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What are these ?

3-4 days before suddenly i woke up and found my hand and leg palm itching and my gum swollen little bit, so i thought it is some allergy, so by consulting one of a doctor ,he told me to take levocetirizine and itchy palm wasn't there any more my gum was getting healed but suddenly it because like this after 3 days ... What is going on ?. Is it something serious or i just hit the swollen gum and hot some Sort of infection?
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Ascoril + interactions

Iam currently taking amoxcillin 500mg 3 times for 5 dats, paracetamol 500mg 3 times, levocetirizine 5 and fexafenadine 10 tablet for 5 days for fever and throat infection, currently i have cough and I have ascoril + cough syrup on my hand , any interactions with above medicine s?
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Thorat infection since 1 months

Since last one month every time when i wake up in morning i  have a sore thorat . slightly relieve in afternoon and evening   .No cough cold and fevar.i take courses of tab amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate , levocetirizine and Lactic acid bacillus for 5 day but not cured then again visit dr ..they give me tab azithromycin , tab Montelukast Fexofenadine, tab zipcold dm , multivitamins and bitadin gargels  but steel not cured ..i attached pic
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Is runny nose a COVID symptom??

2 days before I had 101degree fever ,with dry cough. I took paracetomol 500 (3 times)and levocetirizine (1 time) yesterday morning it was 100 degree then it cake to 99 and 98. But from night runny nose started with sneezing. Today morning I lost my smell and taste. Is it a COVID symptom  or a normal cold ? Should i take rtpcr or Chest plain CT scan first? Please suggest
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Sore throat

From last 30 days i am suffering from sore throat.i consulted local doctor he suggested medicines like Azithromycin and  levocetirizine tablets.then i felt better but now again i am having some problems like heaviness in voice,sqeezing feeling in lower throat,sudden fear and some sort of uncomfortable sensation for some seconds.and also thick,clear transparent ,sticky substance produce in my throat from last 3 months..
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Itching prescription

Hi, Itching on testicles. Mometasone furoate and clotrimazole cream and a tablet was prescribed for a week (forgot the name,it was to stop itching as I understand). As soon as the tablet finished itching started again and became severe. Again consulted the doctor. Terbinafine tablet,Levocetirizine tablet,ketoconazole cream were prescribed. Is this for some kind of fungal infection? Kindly tell me what's the problem
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Feeling feverish but no temperatures

Feeling feverish from the last 5 days but no body temperature shown in thermometer. Also sore throat and breathing problems and dry nose. Doctor told it is allergy and advised Levocetirizine, panseg dsr once in the morning, r top 20 once in the evening, rhino set s nasal drops and abiways tablet once a day for breathing. It has been three days but no major relief. Kindly guide what to do . Could it be corona?
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Swallowing difficulty

I am getting pain while swallowing meal or drinking for more than 14days. I consulted to doctor and he adviced medicine as described below 1. Levocetirizine 2. Dolo 650 3. Oflomac 200 I used these medicines for 6 days. I get 70% relief from pain. Now, please suggest, what should I do further. I m taking thyrox 25mg for last 20 days and also taking diabetes medicine.
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