Recently Answered Questions on Corion


Marriage life problem

I have been married 3 months back and mine is love marriage. I know my husband from past 3 years. But he is showing his real face now. Torturing me at core for money and insulting my parents. Now what should i do i need help from you people for family life. Please help me
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Fed up with life

Hi , My husband doesn't  understand me he only hurts me to the core. He doesn't want to live with me anymore  but I can't live without him. He is going away from me. If ma not able to take this. I want to die. But it shouldn't be like suicide. Is there any pill I can take
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Supraclavicular lymph nodes

My mother suffering from supraclavicular lymph nodes since two years after USG. Enlarged hypoechoic left supraclavicular lymph nodes 10×7mm and 17×6 mm noted. Biopsy. SPECIMEN:multiple core biopsy from supraclavicular lymph nodes for HPE INPRESSION: granulomatous lymphadenitis Tuberculosis needs to be excluded AFB Stain is negative Consider ancillary testing with TB-PCR to exclude TB MACROSCOPIC DESCRIPTIONS: Recieved multiple grey white to gray brown linear core bits ranging in size from 0.3 cm to 1 cm in length all embedded MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS: Sections shows of linear cores of lymphoid tissue showing several discrete as well as coalescent epitheoid granuloma. Caseous necrosis is not seen. Occasional granulomas shows dystropic calcification. Please suggest what is this. Is this tb or anything else
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Sudden erection not happen

Hello sir, I have porn addicted in past but from few months I have quit it But whenever I little sexual excited or whenever I see erotic movies my penis not erect itself but whenever I rub my penis,it erect hardly My penis can't erect on its own like before How can I cure my problem naturally doing hard core exercises, can cure it
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Lower Back Pain

I have Lower Back Pain for more than a month now. I was prescribed Altraday Capsules and Wal D3 Capsules on consultation but the problem still persists even after the completion of the medicine course. I was also prescribed to do Core Strengthening Exercises, Pelvic Stability and Hip Abductor Exercises and I have been doing it but no relief. Please help.
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I am getting into a zone where I don't feel excited or happy about anything. I love my husband to the core and even he loves me, but still we have a bad married life because of my in-laws. At times I feel like I cannot live like this and I should go to Himalaya or some lonely planet. I was a cheerful girl spreading happiness all around earlier.
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Extra pulmonary TB

My friend has lump in left cervical collar as per FNAC it came as granulamas lymphadenitis as per doc it's tb but when we did gene xpert it came to be negative our doctor still says that it's tb based on clinical symptons ... What to do... sample of tissue was taken by core needel
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Persistent Vitamin B12 deficiency

Hello I keep getting tested for Vitamin B12 at regular intervals from past 3 years. But it is always below 200(minimum level). ALthough I am a hard core non-vegetarian, once It went to 60-70. Now I am worried and wanna consult. Please Suggest should I consult a general physician or any particular specialist.
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Pregnancy related query

Hi doctor, I am currently twenty weeks pregnant. Am getting lots of mood swings and getting angry immediately for small things. But my husband is not understanding and fighting with me to the core which I can't handle. Throwing things at me. Not thinking about baby's safety. Will these frequent fights and emotional downfall harm my baby?
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Crown keeps falling, what do I do?

Hello. I fractured one of my front teeth and it unfortunately could not be saved. The doctor recommended a post and core treatment and I got a crown fitted. However, it keeps getting loose and falling off every 15 days. My diet is extremely normal, no hard biting, sticky substances, etc. the crown remains perfect, it just comes off. Looking for an opinion.
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