Recently Answered Questions on Candiforce


Fever and swelling on the back of ear

My son is 16 yrs old. He is suffering from scabies and takes medicine like Candiforce, Pernil lotion& Cuticare cream from yesterday moring (14/8/18) but till afternoon he is suffering from high fever and small pimples are came to his face and head. Again doctor gives him Azithromycine, paracetamol and Cetrizen on evening. On early morning a swelling like a joint appears on the back side of ear cum neck. What it may be ?
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Skin problem patches near pubic area

Sir or madam I have a skin problem I guess rabies I have got rings big patches near the thighs at both legs near pubic area this problem continue due to sweat and even I do little physical task I have been under treatment for many times but after a month the situation is same plz help me doctors prescribe medicines like candiforce capsules setracide ointment etc which works but sir I can't be on medicine for whole of my life so plz help
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Ringworm around vaginal area

My husband is suffering since 1 week with ringworm problem. I know this because i suffered with this 2 years back with this problem. He is itching badly but when i applied ringguard cream on it , it relax him n no itching but yes i can see that rash. I am going to start Candiforce 100 cap -14tablets(2 tab one in morning n one in evening) Onecan 200 - 1 tablets( once in a week) Terbinafine antifungal cream This will be the course for one week Is that okay which i am going to start?
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Groin Infection

I am suffering from groin infection from last 1 year. My Dr. Recommended Zole-F cream with candiforce 200 capsules per day. After using this regular for 2 months i found the infection gone but after 20 to 30 days, i was again having the same problem. Whenever i used these medicines i found the infection gone but again and again this problem occurs. I used to wash my innerwears every day in warm water but still the problem is there. Please suggest something sp that i get rid of this problem.
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Fungal infection

I have got a fungal infection past 2 months... I have applied micogel a lot of times.. But now its become worse... It feels like the skin is burn near the penis area.. In front and back both side it has increased... I already tried applying. Betnovate c cream for it but still no positive result.. Even i started taking candiforce 200 after consulting a family doctor.. But still no positive cure from it
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Vaginal irritation

Hello, I have been facing vaginal irritation since 3-4 months. I have consulted a gynaecologist and they've prescribed me zocon 150 first and when it didn't help then candiforce 200. I have tried v wash also. None of these helped. I apply clean and dry cream and it helps to some extent but not helping much now. Vulva is swollen all the time. There's clear watery discharge also sometimes. A lot of itching happens please help me. Thank you.
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Red spots on glan

Last year I had few red spots on penis head. My doctor advised me : hhzole and candiforce tablets. Red spots got cleared but returned again after 5 months. This time I visited skin doctor who gave me Luvate cream and ITZHH course. From ten days, these medicines are not showing any improvement. I observed, using corticosteroid creams, the spots disappear suddenly but using anti fungal cream, it takes long time. Any suggestions??
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Blood in urine after mastrubation

Hi. I have a fungus infectin in pennis. Dr was advised tab candiforce 200, licozac lotion and genticyn eye drop. And some time i passed urine with dark clolured and bad odur and burning sensation to pass urine. Today after 1 week i mastrubate and after that i passed urine with blood. After that i have a burning sensation. Please suggest any test is for this problem and solution for this problem
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Ring worms problem

Hello Doctor, I'm facing Ringworms problem from more than 2 months. I have consulted doctor near my home. He suggested some medicines(Nexofex, Candiforce tablets & Onabet cream). When I use these medicines, for some days it's controlling Again coming back after some days. Especiall back side perineal. It's burning if I sit for long time. I'm wearing loose cloths to control, but it is keep on growing. Please suggest me which medicines need to be consume.Wanted to get rid of Ringworms.
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Vaginal yeast infection and itching

I have been getting vaginal yeast infection on and off for a month now. I have cottage cheese like discharge which comes out in  small bits. Also I have itching and burning sensation outside vaginal opening and around labia. how long can i use candid b cream as I have been using it for sometime for the itching. Also plss recommend some med for this. I took candiforce 200for a week. Will be really thankfull 1. Med for fungal infection? 2. How long can i use candid b cream?
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