Recently Answered Questions on Candiforce


Urinal infection

Its been one month i m facing frequent urination gave me combinorm tablet and candiforce table.still same issue.Also i m facing clear white discharge.But these tablets are not working for me.Can you please suggest what should i do next.What test should i undergo
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Ringworm or fungal infection

Iam rajesh suffering from ringworm on the face and genital area im consulted dermatologist doctor provide itraconazole candiforce 200mg and hicope 10mg and diprovate-G cream these are medications iam using 1 month complete curable. iam fear reagain this disease. how many months these tabs using and side effects. plz give me sir information
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Large red circle, ring worm, eczema .

Ring worm eczema red large circle on my Back on my thighs and it is very itchy, I apply "CASTOR NF" Ointement or took Candiforce 100 cap. (Intraconozel), but I didn't get good results from these medicines, I also try home remedies.. but result is 00
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Jock itch with burning on testicles

I am suffering from jock itch {tinea cruris} and i have a very serious case from more than 4 months . I am using candiforce 400mg, levocet 5mg and oint. Betnovate C and these r improving the condition but there r side effects too like i have a very severe redness and burning on my testicles .pls help me
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Jock itch with burning on testicles

I am suffering from jock itch {tinea cruris} and i have a very serious case from more than 4 months . I am using candiforce 400mg, levocet 5mg and oint. Betnovate C and these r improving the condition but there r side effects too like i have a very severe redness and burning on my testicles .pls help me
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Severe eczema

I am suffering from 3 layer severe eczema since past 2 year.Now a day I am taking candiforce 200 capsule,but found no improvement.Please advice me what can I do.I am 63 year old.This eczema cover the whole area under the waist.I also used boiled neem leave over it but no improvement. Please guide me.
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Fungal infection near genitals

I am suffering from a fungal infection near genitals (inner thighs area)  from past 2 weeks , Its like red rashes which have a little bit burning sensation and so much itching in it. Ihave taken candiforce 200 capsules and used candid dusting powder . But nothing worked , what should i do to cure it early as possible .
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Reocurring fungal infection

I am facing reoccurring fungal in both side of genital area, under arms and on neck with thick and green/yellow cough. Taking medicine levocetrizine 5 mg with candiforce 100. It gives me temporary relief with reoccurrence of same after stopping the medicine
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Sir my face red black marks

Sir good morning My name subhash age 23 I got black and red marks on my face Also I got acne on face they give me Itachi Plz sir any suggestions After one month I got married so I want best and permanently cure and medicine I took candiforce tablet and other medicine to prevant from my Itachi Plz contact me
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Vaccination for jock itch

I was infected by fungal infection (jock itch) before 2 months i had treatment of it .my doctor gave me candiforce 100mg twice a day for 30 days. and to apply sebifine ..i had taken this fr 30 days and got recoveredtoo now again it has started itching and i found its occurring again is there a permanent solution for this any vaccination...??
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